Chapter 129

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“Lucy, watch this” Conor smiles widely as he jumps over a street bollard outside the cinema. I give him an un-amused look as I send a text to Jack telling him I’m waiting outside.

We’ve been waiting for about 10 minutes now and I’m beginning to think this is pretty pointless. The film ends in about another hour and I don’t even think I can stay with Conor for that long. The only thing lighting up the street are the lamp posts and this leather jacket isn’t keeping me too warm.

“What’s up?” he asks me for like the fifth time tonight.

“Nothing” I sigh, looking away from him.

“I’m sorry about getting us kicked out” he shrugs, sitting down next to me on a small wall outside the cinema.

“Yeah, it’s fine” I nod, shuffling away from him slightly. Surprisingly, I’m not too bothered about being kicked out. What he did was pretty funny and I’m sure I can watch the film online. It might be illegal but hey ho.

“Watch this” he smirks, jumping over another bollard. I sigh in slight frustration. I think I’m going to just walk home. As soon as everyone gets out of the cinema they’re only going to go home so there’s not much point in me waiting here, slowly being tortured by Conor.

I stand up from where I’m stood and start to walk down the street. I’ll call Jack when the film ends.

“Hey, where are you going?” Conor frowns, catching up with me.


“What about the rest of the group?”

“They’re only going to go home when they come out so what’s the point waiting? You’re slowly doing my head in so I’m just torturing myself by staying here” I shrug.

“Aw thank you” he says sarcastically.

“You’re welcome”

He continues to walk with me down the street. I thought me walking away from the cinema would mean walking away from him but clearly not.

“Why are you following me?” I ask monotonously.

“You can’t walk on your own” he shrugs.

“Yes I can” I frown. “That was kind of what I was expecting”

“Well now you have some company” he smiles.


“Watch this” he says again, doing some sort of dance down the street. What the hell has he taken?

“Conor? If I throw a stick, will you leave?” I raise an eyebrow but rather than being offended, he just smirks.

“And leave you to get eaten by all the zombies that come out at night?” he frowns. “Don’t worry, if there are any zombies, we just have to stick together because groups are everything in an apocalypse. We’d probably have to grab some form of weapon which we would have to steal from one of these shops but-“

“You have a zombie plan?” I frown in confusion. He sounds like he’s planned this down to a T.

“Every man has a zombie plan” he shrugs as if it’s normal. Mind you, Eleanor and I always go through a few plans if there ever is a zombie apocalypse so I won’t judge him.

“Well zombies are looking for brains so you’re safe” I smirk, making him roll his head back in laughter.

“So how’s life?” he asks.

“Good” I shrug. It’s pretty shit to be honest. Eleanor’s gone home, exams are two months away so I’m none stop revising. Life’s gone pretty downhill since Conor and I broke up but I don’t need to tell him that.

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