Chapter 102

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I wake up to someone crashing into the bedroom door making me shoot up from the pillow. I see Jack struggling to get into the door with the two things he’s holding in his hands so while he isn’t facing me, I quickly put my head back down on the pillow and pretend to sleep, avoiding any conversation he tries to make with me.

“Shit, ouch” he mutters, placing something on my nightstand. I slyly feel around the bed to see if Conor’s in and once I’ve stretched my arm out as far as possible behind me, I come to the realisation that he’s not in.

I turn away from Jack and snuggle up to the duvet move.

“Lucy” Jack whispers. I sigh and just ignore him. “Lucy” he stretches out a moan.

“Yeah, Jack?” I mutter.

“Are you awake?” he asks.

“No, Jack” I reply, moving into a different sleeping position. He’s woke me up now, there’s no way in hell I’m getting comfortable.

“Can we talk?” he asks hesitantly.

"No, Jack"

"Please" he drags out the word. I sigh and turn to face him, picking my head up off the pillow and resting my body on my elbow.

“What about?” I raise my eyebrow.

“Life” he shrugs, smiling slightly. I continue to stare at him and I can tell it’s making him feel uncomfortable. He’s just woke me up, of course I’m angry. “I made you a cup of tea”

“Thanks” I say monotonously, continuing to stare at him. “Is that all?”

“Uh, no” he frowns.

“Okay” I say, sitting up on the bed and taking hold of my cup of tea. “Why is it only half full?” I frown, staring into my mug.

“I spilt a bit on the way here, sorry” he pulls a face.

“I’d spill less if I ran home to England with it” I frown slightly and he starts laughing. “Better drink it quick before it evaporates” I joke, downing the drink and putting it back on the nightstand, looking back at Jack when I’m comfortable.

“Look, I’m so sorry for snapping at you like that yesterday. I know I can’t really blame it on me being in a bad mood but I don’t really have an excuse for it. I wasn’t being reasonable and I know it was unfair of me” he explains.

“Jack, the competition obviously means more to you than our friendship” I frown, sighing slightly.

“Does it fuck! I was just annoyed that you were just giving up on the competition when we’ve all worked so hard on it. I wouldn’t swap our friendship for anything, Lucy”

“Well it seemed that way” I shrug. I feel like I’m being harsh by saying all this but I want to tell him exactly how I feel, rather than just forgiving and forgetting.

“I know it did and I’m sorry. I can’t express enough how sorry I am, Lucy. I should’ve noticed that you were upset yesterday” he sighs.

“I just feel like you and Eleanor together aren’t a good idea anymore” I tell him exactly what I’m thinking. I feel slightly guilty for saying that but he’s my best friend, he should understand me.

“I know. We spoke about things last night and decided that it was unfair that we just kind of ditched you so we’re going to just act how things were before and see where things go from there” he shrugs.

“I don’t want you two to stop what you had going on. I just don’t want to be left out” I assure him. I don’t want to come between things with him and Eleanor.

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