Chapter 131

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Conor's POV

The first thing I feel when I wake up is the massive ache in my neck, instantly bringing back the memory of Alex and I bashing our heads around to blasting music. My head throbs so I sit up in my place on the sofa and look around the dim room. I collapse back on the leather sofa when I can no longer hold up my body weight, and decide to just stare at the ceiling.

I can barely even remember half the night due to the amount of alcohol we had the night before. I'm surprised I don't feel sick. My head hurts a little bit but that's probably down to the music we were blasting all night. I squint my eyes as I notice the green cans of beer littered around the floor. There must be about 25/30. Fucking hell.

"Oy, are you awake?" I manage to say, coughing slightly to clear my throat.

"Mmm" Alex mumbles. I'll give him 5 minutes.

I get out of my seat and go upstairs to the bathroom. How did I sleep in my jeans all night? They're fucking uncomfortable.

After doing my business, I jog back downstairs and decide against opening the curtains seeing as my eyes hurt just thinking about the light.

"I need a piss" Alex moans, falling off the sofa and eventually picking himself off the floor before strolling out of the living room. I laugh to myself before grabbing his remote and turning on the TV. Fuck knows where my phone is.

I decide against scrolling through all the channels to find something I like because Alex only has fucking Freeview. Instead, I stick with watching Jeremy Kyle because the title looks interesting; A one-night stand caught on CCTV. Can I trust my girlfriend?

Fucking hell, this show.

My entertainment for the morning instantly ends as Alex turns on the Xbox and throws a remote at me.

"We're playing Fifa" he says monotonously.

"Alright" I shrug.

We've had around 3 matches now and I won all 3 times. I roll my head back in laughter as Alex throws his remote to the other side of the room and jumps up from his place on the sofa.

"You fucking cheated!" he points his finger at me in genuine anger.

"How the fuck did I cheat?" I laugh as he storms out of the room.

"Oy, it's half five!" he calls to me from the kitchen. I frown as I get out of my seat and follow him into the kitchen to see him filling up a glass of water and scanning his eyes over the Domino's take away menu. "Want anything?"

"Na, I'm not hungry" I shake my head, sitting down on one of the bar stools.

"We went through almost two packs of twenty beers, man" he groans, holding his head slightly. "Don't you feel sick?"

"No" I chuckle. "I had a headache before but I'm fine"

"You drink too often. You're immune to the stuff"

"Fuck off! You're the one that offered it me" I hold my hands up in defence. "You drink just as much as I do"

"True" he shrugs, re-filling his glass of water.

"Round two tonight then?" I smirk.

"Piss off" he rolls his eyes.

"I reckon we could do it. Go out instead with the lads" I shrug, seriously suggesting it. Why not? He frowns in confusion, glancing up at the clock and double checking his watch. "What?"

"Did we go to the cinema yesterday?"

"Yeah" I frown.

"Well... When are you taking Lucy out?" he frowns.

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