Chapter 114

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It feels weird waking up in this spare room. I don’t think I’ve ever stayed in here to be honest.

Trying to get to sleep last night was almost impossible. I had the comfiest double bed and the room wasn’t too hot for me to be in, but I just couldn’t stop thinking about everything that happened last night. Everything was flooding around my head to the point where I had migraine. If anyone ever had to have a night like I just did, I really do feel sorry for them.

I get out of bed and check my image in the body length mirror hanging up on the wall. Angela leant me some spare pyjamas which are just some plain black frilly shorts and a white tank top. I re-do my pony tail before walking out of the room and following the noise leading to the kitchen.

I slowly walk into the room to see Jack and Angela having a serious conversation in there. They look as if they’re having an argument.

“Sorry, I’ll go” I mutter when they both turn to face me.

“No, Lucy. This is about you” Angela tells me, patting the seat next to me. I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing but judging by Jack’s facial expression, he doesn’t want me here. “You two need to sort this out”

“We really don’t” Jack mumbles, looking in a different direction.

“Jack, stop being so rude and realise that Lucy clearly has a reason for what she did, and you being her best friend needs to listen to her and stop jumping to conclusions” Angela snaps and I mentally praise her for what she just did. Jack huffs and looks me dead in the eyes. God, it’s too early for this.

“I’m sorry” I sigh, looking down at my twiddling thumbs.

“Okay” he trails off, expecting me to say more.

“I didn’t mean to use you like I did or get you into that fight but I didn’t even think that I’d be with Zac. I just expected me and Conor to meet up and talk things through. Zac told me that Conor wanted me to go so I assumed we could work this whole thing out” I mumble. “Clearly not”

“But you must’ve known that after not talking all week in school and stuff, that your relationship was coming to an end” he frowns. As harsh as it sounds, he’s right.

“I know but I just kept thinking about him wanting me to meet him on Saturday. I just assumed he was going through a bad time” I shrug. I can’t help but feel seriously guilty as I look at his purple eye and his bruised cheek. His small cuts around his face still look fresh but he looks ten times better than what he did yesterday.

“Yeah, I get it” he nods.

“I felt so guilty all week about what I was doing and I really didn’t want it to be like this but I just really wanted Conor and I back on track. I was being so selfish so I get it if you don’t want to be my friend again” I tell him exactly what I’m thinking. I realise that Angela’s no longer in the room, leaving Jack and I to speak on our own.

“Lucy, of course I want to be your friend again. I get why you’ve done what you did and yeah, I’m furious about it but I understand” he nods making me smile slightly. I’m trying my hardest to hold back my tears. “Look, we’ve both done stupid things. I didn’t tell you Conor was cheating, you didn’t tell me Conor was meeting Zac. I nearly made you die in Sweden-“

“Jack-“ I almost disagree but he interrupts me before I have the chance.

“I’m just making a point” he teases, putting his hands up in defence. “Let’s just make this whole thing a lesson learned. Never use people and never trust Zac. And if you’re ever going through a bad time, talk to somebody. Preferably your best friend” he smirks.

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