Chapter 133

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“I’m gonna kill her” I grit my teeth together as I explain to Charlotte what just happened.

“Oh come on, she’s done you a favour” Charlotte smirks.

“How!? She embarrassed me, Charlotte. It was so awkward” I moan.

“Yeah but I know you want to get back with Conor, and he definitely wants you back so what’s your problem?” she raises an eyebrow.

She’s actually so right. It’s been months since Conor and I have had a real conversation and tonight’s made me realise how much I miss him. I can’t keep pushing him to the back of my mind anymore. I want him back.

“She didn’t have to embarrass me about it” I mutter.

She starts laughing, “You need to chill out. You’re overreacting about nothing! If anything, you should be thanking Lois because think about it. If it wasn’t for her, nothing would’ve even happened with you two tonight”

“Yeah, true but I don’t know if I want any of this to-“

“Lucy!” she cuts me off mid-sentence. “Don’t even go there. Don’t give me that ‘I don’t want any of this to happen’ bullshit because I know what you’re like”

“It’s not bullshit!” I gasp. That’s a lie.

“You’re not convincing anybody by saying it. You’re just trying to convince yourself that that’s what you want but I know damn well it isn’t. You want nothing more than for him to take you upstairs and-“

“Alright, alright!” I interrupt her, making her roll her head back in laughter.

“No, I’m kidding. I’m just trying to make you realise that what happened is in the past now. Get over it. He’s a fuck up and a dickhead ninety nine percent of the time but you love the asshole and you seem to be the only one that can get his act together. If you want to get back with him, why let anything get in the way?” she shrugs, taking another shot. “Just don’t hold back because of what he did in like, February. It’s May now so build a bridge and get over it. It’s time your sort your life out, Lucy”

I hate how right she is.

“Yeah, you’re right” I nod, deep in thought as I replay her words over and over again in my head.

“Okay, it’s ten o’clock and I’m not nearly as drunk as I was hoping so drink up chica. I have another bottle of Vodka upstairs, one second” she smirks, jumping up from her seat.

“Wait” I take hold of her arm.

“What’s up?” she frowns.

“Do you think he’d want me back though?” I sigh. It’s alright her saying this but what if Conor doesn’t even want us back together.

“I’m not even answering that” she shakes her head. “Chill the fuck out. Of course he wants you back! Just let him do the chasing, yeah?” she winks.

I start laughing, “Alright, thanks Charlotte”

How is she drunk and still giving me some of the best advice I’ve heard in months?

“I’ll be two seconds. You better be here when I get back”

“I will” I roll my eyes, sitting comfortably on her bar stool.

“I have a feeling you were just talking about me” Conor squeezes my sides as he comes up behind me, making me literally jump out of my skin. I didn’t even have time to think some more about what Charlotte was saying.

I slap his arm for scaring me, “You always do!”

He rolls his head back in laughter, jumping up on the bar stool that Charlotte was just on.

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