Chapter 142

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Conor’s POV

“I need to talk to you” Eleanor snaps me out of my trailing thoughts when she throws her body onto the sofa beside me.

I groan, “El, I’m not driving you to the shop for food again. We’ve already been three times”

“No, it’s not about that” she shakes her head. “It’s about Lucy”

“We’re not talking about it” I sigh, starting to stand up in my seat.

Lucy took everything way too far last night. I thought I’d try and be a decent person  and just let her know that she can get ten times better than the asshole she’s dealing with, but then she tried to make a move on me. She has a boyfriend though, come on. If he wasn’t in the way of things then I wouldn’t have even thought about pushing her away.

And no, I didn’t do that for Nick. God, the temptation was unreal but I knew she’d regret it straight after the kiss and then most likely blame me for it. That would just make the rest of the week awkward.

And that’s another thing... After this week, I’m probably hardly ever going to see her again. I’m not fucking about with a long distant relationship. I have a busy life now and I’m lucky I have nothing going on this week besides my concert tomorrow.

“Yes we are. She’s upset about it, you know?” El frowns.

I roll my eyes, “Has she told you the whole story?”


“Well then you’d know that if I did actually kiss her, she’d regret it and blame it on me. Don’t disagree with me because we both know I’m right” I shrug. Eleanor looks away for a moment in deep thought before nodding.

“I guess you’re right” she nods. “But you did do it in a bit of an asshole way”

“What other way could I have done it in? If I was nice to her about it, I might have ‘lead her on’” I say sarcastically with an eye roll.

Okay, I might have slightly lead her but I was only trying to get her to break up with that moron back in Manchester. She would’ve never listened to me otherwise. At least I know that she actually doesn’t care about him seeing as she tried to kiss me.

“You did lead her on a bit” Eleanor shrugs.

“Force of habit” I raise my eyebrows at her and she just rolls her eyes.

“Whatever, you need to talk to her about it”

“Yeah, yeah” I blow her off. “Leave it with me”

I guess I do have to sort things with her seeing as I’ll be living with her for the remainder of the week. And she’s stubborn as fuck so she won’t be talking to me anytime soon.

Fucking hell, I feel like I’m sixteen again.


“All aboard the Jack-mobile” Jack calls as everyone piles out of the house.

“Jack, it’s my car” I frown, watching him make his way to the driver’s seat in my Range Rover. Lord knows how we’re all going to fit into these two cars. “Right, we need to sort seating plans” I decide to responsibly announce.

“I’m in the Lamborghini” Matt raises his hand, making me chuckle slightly. I feel lucky that the car holds 4 and I don’t have the 2 seater one. Although the 2 seaters are much cooler.

“So Jack’s driving the Range Rover. How about Eleanor, Lauren, Marie and Adam get in that?” I suggest. The adults would want to sit together in a more comfortable car, right? “And me, Matt, Lucy and Mum get in with me. Anna can sit on Mum’s knee”

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