Chapter 105

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Conor’s POV

I’m alright with the boys hanging around with us and talking to Lucy because they’re pretty cool, but I feel like Lucy’s getting too comfortable with them now. We’re all in the pool and they’re throwing Eleanor and Lucy around in the air and shit. They’re having too much fun for my liking.

“Lucy” I snap at her. She looks at me in shock and swims over to me slightly.

“Are you okay?” she asks, a worrying look coving her face.

“Can we go?” I ask monotonously. She doesn’t really have a choice. I’m not letting her go back there.

“Do we have to? We’re having fun, Conor” she sighs, looking back at the boys.

“Um, yes. We have to” I frown, grabbing her hand and walking to the side of the pool.

“Conor” she moans. I choose to ignore her and jump out of the pool. When I turn around, I see her pulling herself out of the pool and following me to get our towels.

“Aw, you off already?” Calum calls.

“Yeah” I simply reply.

“Well we’ll see you around, yeah? Nice meeting you” he smiles and the rest of the group say bye.

“We’ll meet you back at the cabin” Eleanor smiles at Lucy and she nods.

“Ooo cabin” Josh mimics her. Lucy and I walk out of the pool room holding our clothes in a pile and keeping the towels wrapped around our bodies.

We walk back to the cabin in silence, only hearing a few heavy sighs from Lucy. I do kind of feel guilty for dragging her out of the pool but she was having way too much fun with those boys. She barely even noticed me just standing at the side watching.

As soon as we get in, she dumps her clothes on the sofa and storms off into our bedroom. I decide to leave her for a bit and just dry off my hair with the towel I brought back, and make a glass of water. Only now I realise how much of a bad idea it was to be swimming at like 2 in the morning.

After about 5 minutes of just moping around the cabin to give Lucy some ‘space’, I decide to just go into our room. I open the door and see her lying in bed in her pyjamas, with only the lamp on at the side of her. I sigh and change into some dry clothes – some loose shorts and a plain t-shirt. I hop into bed and sit up on the headboard.

“Lucy” I sigh and she doesn’t reply. “Luce, I’m sorry”

“It’s okay” she mutters.

“No it’s not, I know you’re upset with me” I frown and she turns to face me.

“I appreciate you being protective and stuff, Conor, but you knew those boys had no interest in me whatsoever. You were fine with them all night until we got into the pool and it’s just annoyed me how you’ve dragged me away from them when you see me having fun” she rants. I just stay silent because I know she’s right.

It just fucks me off how she barely even noticed me when the boys started messing around with her. I know they have absolutely no interest in her sexually, but I don’t know. I get jealous easily and I couldn’t bare to stand and see them all messing about with her any longer.

“Conor” she sighs, sitting up and facing me. I lift my head up and look into her eyes. “I love it when you get all protective and stuff” she smirks, “but I thought you were alright with those boys being with me. You get on so well with them and you knew they had no interest in me. I’m just annoyed that you dragged me away from them without even letting me have a say in it”

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