Chapter 123

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After a quick trip home with my parents and Jack, where I got a shower and changed into decent clothes, we make our way back to the hospital to see Conor. Dad decided to stay at home and just see Conor when he wakes up, so Mum’s dropping us off and doing the same.

I’ve explained the whole story to them now which they’re obviously fuming about. They didn’t realise how bad Zac was. No one did...

While I was taking a shower, Jack came in to use the loo and stayed whilst I explained the argument between Ben and I. There was a blurry window thing covering me, don’t worry. Anyway, Jack was completely shocked with Ben but I don’t know what’s going to happen now. I’m kind of scared of seeing Ben to be honest. He was a completely different person yesterday.

Conor’s POV

“Mum, I’m fine” I assure my Mum for the hundredth time in the past five minutes. I’ve just woken up from being unconscious and Mum’s just been asking endless questions about how I’m feeling and stuff.

When I woke up, I thought some prick had redecorated my room just to piss me off but as soon as I realised I was actually in hospital, the memories of what happened came rushing towards me like the headlights of a truck. The pain in my body was also a pretty big hint that I haven’t just woken up from a long nap. Nope, just been in a car accident instead.

“Sorry, you can’t blame me though” she almost giggles. I roll my eyes and smile at Anna.

“You okay?” I ask.

“Yeah, I’m glad you woke up” she smiles widely.

“Same here” I tease, making her laugh.

My whole body hurts. Whenever I move, it hurts. Even if I smile, it hurts. I can barely even raise my eyebrows without it hurting because of the fat ass lump on my head. Fucking hell, I feel like death.

“Where’s Jack?” I sigh, trying not to think about my body being in so much pain. I’m praying Jack’s actually here and isn’t just sat at home on his PS4 or something. I’m hoping he still cares about me but it wouldn’t surprise me if he didn’t.

“He went home with Lucy. I don’t know when he’ll be back. I’ll have to text him telling you’ve woken up” she gasps, pulling her phone out of her pocket. Oh my god, Lucy.

“How’s Lucy?” I frown.

“Yeah, she woke up last night and was checking on you. She’s fractured her shoulder and has whip lash but she’s fine. She went home for a shower and stuff about two hours ago” she shrugs, returning her attention back to her phone.

Thank god for that. If anything would’ve happened to her, I’d be blaming myself till the day I die. I couldn’t forgive myself for it.

Before I can ask any more questions about her, someone knocks lightly on the door before pushing it open.

“Jack!” Anna squeals. “Conor’s awake!”

I smile at my brother, popping his head through the door before fully walking in to see me. I’m praying Lucy’s with him. I smile over at him, praying he doesn’t hate me. Give me a break, please.

He rolls his eyes, “Come here”

He walks over to my bed, pulling me into a strong hug, making me wince in pain slightly but I don’t care. I’m lucky he even cares right now. I’m just gutted Lucy isn’t here.

“How are you feeling?” he smiles, sitting down on a chair next to me.

“My body hurts but I’ll live” I shrug, trying to sound unbothered about the pain.

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