Chapter 132

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Lucy’s POV

June 14th.

The day I leave high school.

What the...

I still can’t believe how fast this has gone. I don’t even know what to think.

“Can you believe it’s our last day?” Leila falls into my arms, wiping her tears all over my fully signed leaver’s shirt. Jack took up most of the space by drawing inappropriate things on me and writing compliments about himself.

“I know!” I coo, squeezing her tightly.

“I can’t believe we’re finally out of this hell hole” Lois smiles widely, dropping her bag on the floor next to me and sitting on a bench on the yard. We’re the only people on here. Mike, Ben and Jack are skipping class which they’re probably going to get bollocked for, and everyone else has probably left school already.

“Leila, ten pounds” Conor smirks, holding his hand out to her.

“What?” she gasps, lifting her head up off me. “Oh for fuck sake” she moans, digging into her pocket and handing him ten pounds.

“What’s this for?” I chuckle.

“She said she wouldn’t cry on our last day” he rolls his eyes.

“As if you betted on that” I frown at Leila.

“I was setting myself a challenge” she moans.

Since the whole thing with Conor and I, I’ve got to admit, it has been weird. We agreed on being ‘just friends’ but the relationship we have is definitely forced. It’s hard to go from loving to someone to trying to just be friends with them but I’m just trying to convince myself it’s for the best. Him and I don’t work out so the best I can do is at least try and be friends with him seeing as I’m with him most days in his group and school.

I still go round to his house a lot to see Jack and obviously Conor’s there, but we usually just say a quick ‘hello’ and choose to stay out of each other’s way. It’s easier that way.

But I wouldn’t say things are awkward. No, I don’t find it weird to be around him. If he’s there, I’ll still talk to him whether it’s forced or not. We always find something to talk about and I’ve got to say, I miss him like crazy. But it’s understandable. I mean, I hate to admit it but I still love the boy. I’ve just learnt to control my feelings a bit more.

Now if we want to talk about awkward, let’s talk about Ben and I. I think I’ve looked at him for a total of 10 seconds since the night he accidentally pushed me down the stairs. We haven’t looked or even tried to talk to each other. Of course it bothers me but all this isn’t my fault.

Ben and Conor are still on rough terms as usual. Conor tells me he still hates Ben and Jack told me Ben still hates Conor. I gave up trying to get those two to talk to each other ages ago. I think their relationship ended the night I stayed at Ben’s house back in October or something. Wow, that was ages ago.

“Charlotte doesn’t know what she’s gotten herself into. Having a party the day we leave school? Everyone’s gonna get messy” Alex chuckles, shaking his head.

“Don’t tell her that. She’ll cancel!” Liv gasps. I smirk, looking over at Charlotte who’s getting her shirt signed by Sam.

“We’ve gotta help her out if it gets out of control, guys” I responsibly step in, as usual.

“Yeah, we will” Alex nods. “I’m so pumped. We have no exams, no homework, no revision-“

“Alex, stop. I feel sick” Lois holds her head.

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