Chapter 147

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It’s Sunday... That means I only have one more whole day here.

Well, it’s 5pm so I technically have one and a half days here (seeing as we leave late at night tomorrow) but the clock’s ticking and the more I stare at it, the more I realise I have to do something with my time.

We all went on a little ‘family outing’ today. We all woke up at around 9am, can you believe it? So we decided to go out into the big city and just explore. Very spontaneous, I know, but it’s been a good day.

“Let’s do something” I say, sitting up in my place on the sofa.

“Like what?” Conor asks as he continues to press buttons on the remote control to try and find something good on TV. He’s been at this for ten minutes now and I think we’re all losing sanity.

“I don’t know, anything but this”

“There’s nothing else to do” he shrugs.

“We’re living in a mansion, for god’s sake. Don’t tell me we don’t have anything to do but watch you try and find something better than ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’” Eleanor rants.

“Okay then, genius. What shall we do?” he sighs.

“Well first thing that comes to mind when I think of ‘big house’ is probably hide and seek” she smirks, making my eyes light up.

“Oh my god, yes” I nod.

“I’m in!” Anna raises her hand.

“Hell no” Conor shakes his head, looking at Jack for some backup. “Come on, bro. You’re not seriously suggesting playing fucking hide and seek. I thought you were a man”

“Jack, listen to your heart” Eleanor snaps, sending daggers at her boyfriend. I smile in amusement as Jack racks his brain for an answer until he finally looks at me. I give him a slight nod and he sighs.

“I’m sorry, Conor. I’ve been dying to play this since we got here” Jack shrugs. I burst out laughing as Conor groans, his face falling into the palms of his hands.

“Okay, I’ll play. But on one condition” he raises his finger. I knew he would only play if he got something out of it.

“Go on” Eleanor rolls her eyes.

“We play with all the lights turned out and you don’t have to stay in one specific spot the whole time”

“Alright” we all say in sync. This should be a laugh.


“Shoot, shoot, shoot” I panic, pacing around on the spot like some demented chicken.

We’ve been playing the game for a good hour now and I literally can’t find a good hiding spot anymore. Either all the good ones are taken, or I’ve used them in previous rounds of the game. You’d think this house would have endless hiding spots... Well, it probably does but I’m too unadventurous to find them.

Conor’s the best at this game, surprise surprise. I swear he has a secret room none of us know about. A good five minutes at the end of each round is spent circling the house trying to find the boy, which usually results in us all giving up, so we never actually find out where his hiding spot is.

Jack’s the ‘seeker’ at the moment and I think everyone’s been in their comfortable hiding spot since he started counting. He’s up to 92 seconds at the moment and if I don’t find a hiding spot in 8 seconds, I’m screwed.

“Oy, come here” I hear someone whisper. My eyes glow in relief as I turn around and see Conor waving me over to a door he’s hiding in. I quickly jog down the hall to him and slide through the small door.

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