Chapter 127

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I wake up when I feel something fall on my face multiple times. It doesn’t hurt, it’s just god damn annoying.

“Go away” I murmur to whoever it is. It’s probably Eleanor being the annoying little prick she is.

“I got you breakfast” a male voice tells me. My eyes shoot open and I see Jack stood over me, eating a bag of crisps.

“Can you not eat crisps over me?” I snap. “Or chew with your mouth closed”

“Sorry. I made you breakfast” he smiles, throwing me a bag of crisps.

“This is breakfast?” I frown in confusion.

“Yeah, I slaved long and hard for that”

“Aw, your poor legs had to walk all the way into the kitchen for these? How can I thank you enough?” I say sarcastically, throwing the bag to the other side of the room and collapsing back on the bed. I’m hungover. Suddenly, my eyes shoot open when I realise where I am. “Why am I here?”

“I was wondering when you’d ask me that” he smirks. “You were so drunk so I brought you back here. You clearly can’t remember” he rolls his eyes, jumping into bed next to me.

“I can barely remember anything, Jack” I groan. The last thing I remember doing was sitting with Jack and Eleanor on the hammock and I don’t even remember the conversation I had with them. This can’t be healthy for a 15 year old.

“You don’t remember that game of strip poker?” he frowns in confusion making my jaw almost drop to the floor.


“Yeah. Conor had a right fit and started beating some guy up for looking at you. You must remember the police coming to arrest him?” he frowns again. “Knives got involved and everything”

“Jack, please tell me you’re joking” I panic. If Conor’s been arrested I’m going to... Well, I don’t know. I don’t know what I’ll do with myself.

“No” he shakes his head. “Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll only be in prison for a year or two” he sighs.

“Oh my god” I gasp, holding my hands over my mouth and sitting up in the bed.

“I’m only joking” he rolls his head back in laughter. I should’ve known...

“Jack” I groan, falling back onto the bed. “What time is it?”

“Eight o’clock” he responds like the hour he just said is a normal time to be having this conversation.

“Why am I awake?” I groan.

“We all are so I figured you could join in with the fun” he shrugs.

“What made you think that?” I sigh, falling back down on the bed. I wanted to spend as much time in bed as possible. They’re practically the rules after having a night out. “Ever heard the term ‘sleep all day, party all night’?”

“Yeah but we’ll have a laugh now, I guess”

“At eight in the morning!?” I shriek. “Jack, I’m too tired to even move”

“Come on, get out or I’ll pour ice cold water on you”

I moan, “Jack”


“Is Conor downstairs?”

“Yep” he nods and I can tell he instantly regrets revealing this information to me.

“Then I’m not moving” I stubbornly say.

“Right, let me get the ice” he shrugs, jumping out of bed.

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