Chapter 140

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“Are we all packed!?” Matt screams through the house. He’s been way too excited about this trip ever since I agreed to go.

I roll my eyes as I zip up my suitcase in my room and begin to drag it to the top of the stairs. I lie it down on the stairs and push it down, where Matt catches it and carries it to the front door.

“El, are you done?” I sigh when I get back into my bedroom and look around at the tip. You’d think it would be tidy seeing as we’re packing most of the stuff in here, but it’s the complete opposite. I blame Eleanor.

“Yeah, just help me zip up” she manages to say as she squeezes her blue case together. I bend down and zip up the case that’s about to burst any second. She’s way over the luggage limit.

I walk over to the mirror and take a close look at myself. I’m wearing some plain black leggings, my white low top converse and a plain white oversized t-shirt. I also have a grey cardigan wrapped around my waist because with my past experiences with planes, I’ve come to terms with the fact it’s extremely cold in the air, no matter where abouts in the world you’re travelling to, and what season it is.

My hair falls down to my waist and I have it in a half-up half-down do. To this day, Eleanor still cuts my hair and I’ve never had a problem with it. I’d probably trust her cutting me a fringe to be honest.

My make-up’s pretty minimum; I’m just wearing foundation, mascara and a bit of lip balm.

It’s surprising how much effort I’ve put into my look today to be honest...

“I see you’re still trying to make effort for the guy then” Eleanor smirks, strolling back into the room once she’s launched her suitcase down the stairs to her Dad.

“It’s not for Conor” I roll my eyes, turning to face her.

“Whatever” she chuckles. “I’m too tired to argue”

Oh yeah, did I mention it’s 4am? I did not sign up for this. Our flight’s at 6am and Matt was determined to get there on time so he decided to wake us all up at 3am. Shoot me.

I feel dead. But I’m also kind of glad because we’ll get to LA at around 5pm. But because of their time zone, it’ll be 9am over there. So I basically have an extended day which I can probably deal with. It’ll save me from being up at early hours like I usually am.


“I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan” Eleanor and I sing as we get off the plane at LAX.

This is pretty cool. We got First Class seats on the damn plane! You can understand why I’m so happy after spending 11 hours on there.

I haven’t even seen any of the Maynard’s yet. Well, Anna came and watched a film with us on the plane and I just assumed at the other two were doing the same thing. Angela probably fell asleep.  You know Anna’s 12 now? It’s been too long. She hasn’t changed a bit though.

“Right, we’ll all go and get our bags, then we’ll get a taxi” Angela tells us all once we’re all in a group I didn’t realise was being formed.

Hey, Jack’s here. Where’s Conor? I flash him a quick smile before being swept away by Matt who’s holding tight onto my arm. Yeah, he’s definitely the most excited.

After grabbing our bags, we make our way outside the airport and start to pile our bags into the taxi. Jack’s family are getting into one, and Eleanor’s and my family are getting into another.

“Jumped in the cab, here I am for the first time” Eleanor smiles in satisfaction at how well the song fits in with our journey. She gasps, “Look to my right and I see the Hollywood sign”

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