Chapter 118

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Conor’s POV

I glance at myself one last time in the bathroom mirror, sorting my hair out slightly and straightening out my leather jacket. I’ve decided that before I go out with Zac, Adrian and Leo, I’m going to sort things out with Jack. He’s my brother for fuck sake and we used to get on so well. I’ve just thrown all that away.

I’m hoping that he can come to terms with me and realise that Zac is my mate, but Jack’s my brother and I want to be okay with both of them. I don’t want to leave Zac for Jack but I also don’t want to leave Jack for Zac.

It’s all a fucking mess to be honest. Everyone’s thought the worst of Zac and have just turned against me. Fuck them all. The only person I actually want to sort things out with is Jack because I can’t bear to have another argument with him. We’ve had 14 so far and yes, I’ve been counting.

I jog downstairs when I hear Jack end the call with who I presume is either Lucy or Eleanor. I stroll into the living room and instantly see Jack tense at the sight of me. He fucking hates me.

“Hey” I smile more to myself seeing as he’s not looking at me.

“Aren’t you going out?” he frowns at the TV.

“Yeah but I want to talk to you first” I say, sitting down on the same sofa as him.

“I’m not interested” he sighs, his voice full of boredom.

“I just thought we could sort this out seeing as you’re my brother” I shrug, running my fingers through my hair, a habit that Lucy picked up on. I’m trying my hardest to not think about her and the mess I’ve made but everything I do fucking reminds me of her.

“Just because we’re brothers, doesn’t mean that we have to sort things out. I hate you, end of” he says monotonously. My face drops slightly. I’ve fucked things up so badly.

“Come on, you don’t hate me” I try to joke but he just ignores me. “Jack, you don’t hate me” I say more sternly.

“Okay” he simply says.

“Look, can we at least try to sort this out?” I huff.

“Go on then, give me the best you’ve got” he turns off the TV and faces me. I didn’t realise he’d give in that easily...

“Well, um, I’m sorry for everything I’ve done” I try to start off the ‘chat’. He took me by surprise when he said that he actually wants to talk to me, so now I don’t really know what to say.

“Is that it?” he frowns.

“No. Look, I’ll just cut straight to the point. I want us to be okay but I still want to hang around with Zac so can you just accept that?” I say, sounding harsher than I actually am.

“Are you fucking joking? Let me remind you what that asshole has done” he raises his voice slightly. “He fucked you up last year and split up the whole family. He made you take his side when me and him had a fight. You started smoking, drinking every night and all this shit. He lead you into losing your virginity to a girl you don’t even know. You nearly got expelled from school-“

“He didn’t make me do any of that shit” I interrupt him before I lash out. He’s taking things too far now.

“Yes he did, Conor. And this is why I hate you so much. You take his side over anyone’s and don’t even believe that he’s fucking up your life, even when you can see it going downhill yourself” he shakes his head at me in disappointment and disgust.

“You’re only blaming him because you don’t like him” I roll my eyes.

“Okay, let me explain what he’s done so far. Not that it’s going to make you understand that all this is his fault” he shrugs. “He fucked up your relationship with Lucy. He’s made me and you like this. He’s got you into smoking again-“

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