Chapter 125

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Conor’s POV

It’s 3:25am now. Anna went up to bed hours ago and Mum’s just about to go up, leaving Jack and I on our own together.

After getting Nando’s, we watched a film with Anna and then she went to bed. It was some Disney film which I was uninterested in so I was just on my laptop the whole time. Then Jack and I challenged Mum to watch ‘The Conjuring’ with us. I saw it in cinema with everyone and Jack said he watched it at Lucy’s one time. Mum’s been terrified ever since, hence why she’s stayed up this late. We’ve just been talking about life really.

Jack and I have been having a normal conversation whilst Mum’s with us. There wasn’t any ‘awkwardness’ or anything. It was just normal.

“Right, I’m going up to bed now before I fall to sleep here” Mum sighs, standing up from her place on the sofa and stretching.

“Okay, night” Jack smiles.

“Night” I nod up at her.

“And behave yourself if you’re staying down here. I know what you two are like” she gives us a glare, causing me to chuckle.

“What do you think we’re going to do? Burn the house down?” Jack scoffs.

“God knows. Just don’t give me a reason to get out of bed during the night, okay?” she raises her eyebrows so I just roll my eyes, nodding.

“Night, Mum” I roll my eyes.

“Night babies” she coos, strolling upstairs.

“We should smash something whilst she’s asleep to make her panic” Jack laughs dryly.

“I heard that” Mum growls from half way up the stairs.

“We’re only joking” Jack pulls a face, making me roll my head back in laughter. “Come on, it’ll be hilarious” he whispers.

“What are we going to smash?” I frown in confusion.

He starts to think, “We don’t have to smash anything. Let’s just scare her”

“Alright” I smirk. “What do you have in mind?”

I love how we’ve just dropped the whole ‘Zac’ situation and it’s almost as if it’s forgotten about now. Jack and I are just acting like how we used to before all the arguments and stuff.

Fifteen minutes pass and Jack and I find ourselves sneaking into Mum’s room. We’ve decided to blow a party popper in her room, just to keep her on her toes, then we’ll kick it up a notch. I creep over to one side of the bed and Jack silently jogs over to the other.

“Three, two, one” Jack mimes.

“Jack, get out of my room” Mum mutters, not even opening her eyes.

“Aw, how did you know I was here?” he pouts.

“I can hear you. I can’t sleep because you kept me up watching that film. And I’m paranoid about you smashing something, like you said before” she complains, sitting up slightly. She jumps at the sight of me. “Oh my god, you’re here too” she holds her heart.

“Hi” I wave, smiling at her.

“Get out” she huffs, lying back down on the bed. I let out a groan before leaving her alone, following Jack out of the room.

“We need a plan B” he whispers as we make our way downstairs. God, we’re such kids.

After scaring Mum to the point where she was crying, we finally decide to leave her to get some rest. We waited half an hour before going back in to attack with a whole new load of equipment.

I’m taking this way too seriously.

We started tapping on her door and stuff to freak her out and whispering things through the door. A whole load of tormenting later, she finally opened the door where Jack exploded the party popper... What? We had to add it in somehow.

I don’t even know why we’re so pumped about terrifying her. We’re only going to get screamed at tomorrow for waking up Anna and stuff but it was definitely worth it. I was left in tears of laughter.

“We’re going to be in so much shit tomorrow” I remind Jack, making him laugh even more as he scrolls through channels on the TV.

“It was worth it” he chuckles. I laugh along before silence sets in the room.

“Does this mean we can go back to being normal again?” I shoot him the question.

“Is that an apology?” he raises an eyebrow at me.

“You know how sorry I am, Jack” I smirk. “Come on, we’re brothers”

“Fine” he lets out a huge sigh, but I know he secretly wanted to be cool with me. We kind of already are considering the prank we just pulled.

“Can you put in a good word for me to the group?”

He scoffs, “What do I get in return?”

“Nothing! You’re my brother for god’s sake, help me out”

“Yeah, I thought the same when you fucked off with Zac” he gives me a half serious, half teasing look. I decide to go for the best and take it as he’s joking, so I roll my eyes. “I won’t put in a good word-“

“Jack” I begin to complain before I’m interrupted.

But” he holds up his finger to silence me. “Sam’s having a party tomorrow night so I guess you could ‘unexpectedly’ turn up”

“What will Sam say about it?” I frown, considering his idea.

“Well you haven’t fallen out with him so would he care?” he shrugs and I nod. I guess Sam and I are ‘mates’. He’s just not part of our group. He’s pretty cool though. Mine and Lucy’s plan to get him with that girl in our year kind of failed though. Shame...

“True. Alright then” I nod, smiling as I begin to form a mental plan of what I could do.

“But don’t drop me in it. I’m the one that’s been complaining the most about you this past month or so, so it’s kind of hypocritical of me to suddenly put in a good word for you”

“Aw, nice to know you loved me in my time of need” I tease.

“Time of need!?” he scoffs, making me laugh. “Mind you, I’d probably be in need of something if I was hanging around with that psycho”

“Also nice to know your opinion of him hasn’t changed” I smirk.

“Never liked him, never will” he shrugs, popping a piece of leftover popcorn from before in his mouth. “By the way, if you weren’t my brother and I didn’t have to live with you, we wouldn’t be talking right now”

“I feel honoured” I hold my heart, putting on a proud face.

“So you should” he nods.

“Well you can walk out anytime if this is how you feel” I raise my hands in defence.

“But how would I play on my PS4 without a home?” he gasps, making my face light up.

“Speaking of which” I say, jumping out of my seat.

“Hell no. It’s nearly half four in the morning, and it’s mine” he says selfishly.

“Who bought you the damn thing!?” I retaliate.

“Mind you, I am in the mood for a bit of Fifa” he frowns before jumping up off his seat.

And that’s what we play until 6:30am... Typical.

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