Chapter 111

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“Are we going now?” I yawn, sitting up from Mike’s sofa.

We’ve all stayed for another 3 hours just talking about nothing. We did speak about the Zac situation for ages but we eventually just left that and started speaking about more positive things. 

Considering everything that’s happened tonight, I’m feeling kind of happy because everyone’s put me in a good mood. We’ve all just helped each other to try and forget about what Conor’s doing, and concentrated on just having a good night which has definitely worked.

“Yeah, I’m tired” Lois nods, stretching. We’re all just led in different part of Mike’s living room. All the girls stand up and gather together at the door.

“You lot can stay tonight if you want to” Mike offers to the boys and they all mumble a response. It is 2am so it’s not surprising that they’re tired. We all are to be honest.

“Thanks for inviting us over, Mike” I smile and give him a hug. The girls thank him and give him a hug too.

“No problem” he nods. “And Lucy, I’m always here if you want to talk or whatever. We’re all sticking together in this, okay? Never feel like you’re alone”

“Thank you, Mike” I smile widely, pulling him in for another hug.

“Do you lot need walking back?” I hear Jack call from the living room. We all look at each other and shake our heads.

“No, we’ll alright thanks” I respond.

“Night everyone” Leila calls before we leave the house and start walking back to mine. It should only take us 10 minutes or so. I love how close we all live to each other. Ben’s is a bit of a trek away though. It takes me about 20-25 minutes walking to his but he’s always round here so it’s all good.

“Well tonight’s been eventful” Charlotte chuckles and we all agree.

“Are you okay, Lucy?” Lois asks.

I shrug, “Yeah, I guess”

“I’m sure you’ll both be fine. Conor’s just going through a phase” Leila huffs.

I don’t want him to be going through this phase. If I’m honest, I’m terrified of what’s going to happen and right now, nothing sounds more appealing to me than just going to sleep so I can take a time out from my life. I’m sick of all these bad things happening to me. I mean, I’ve just come of holiday with my boyfriend and now this is happening. Why can’t things ever just go right for me?

“Yeah” I simply respond, knowing they’ll be bored of me telling them how I actually feel right now. Leaving Mike’s house has just made me feel more drained and worthless.

“Look, why don’t we have a heart to heart tonight? Get everything off our chests before we go to bed” Lois suggests. That sounds very appealing to me to be honest. Although I just want to sleep right now, I’m pretty sure a hot chocolate and a heart to heart will make me feel much better than sleeping with this on my mind.

“I’m in” Liv raises her hand.

“Yeah, why not” I smile.

I’m glad I haven’t been drinking tonight. My mind would be all over the place if I had. The girls have had a bit to drink but not enough to make them drunk. I think tonight’s been more about catching up with each other and being together than getting drunk and laughing at each other’s stupidity. I can’t say that I’ve enjoyed tonight but I’ve certainly had worse. I’m glad the girls are staying over though. It should take my mind off things.

We get to my house and silently make my way into the kitchen, where we shut the door and begin to stick on the kettle.

“Who wants hot chocolate?” I ask, taking off my converse. Charlotte, Leila and Liv respond so I begin to make their hot drink. “Lois, do you want coffee?”

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