Chapter 119

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I ended up staying the night at Jack’s as usual. It was a pretty good night seeing as all we did was watch movies and eat junk food.

“I’ll have to go soon. Mum’s taking me to London for the day” I sigh. I really can’t be bothered going to be honest. I don’t want to go.

“Aw you seem so excited” he says sarcastically.

“I can’t be bothered going” I chuckle.

“Wow. Lucy Stratford can’t be bothered going shopping in London. I’ve heard it all” he teases, making me laugh.

“I’m just nod in the mood. Nothing can beat the time when I went with you” I smile slightly at the memory.

“Yeah, that was a pretty good day” he smiles.

Half an hour later, I get changed into the clothes I was wearing yesterday and walk back home. I don’t think I’m going to bother going to London. I couldn’t think of anything better than just staying home alone for the day.

“Hey Lucy. Did you have a nice time?” Mum smiles as soon as I walk through the front door. She’s half way up the stairs, stopping to talk to me.

“Yeah, it was good” I nod, looking up at her.

“Are you still up for London?”

“I don’t think I want to go anymore” I shrug slightly. I feel guilty for not going but I’m just not in the mood. I don’t want to be miserable there.

“How come?” she frowns, taking one step down the stairs.

“I don’t know. I’m just not in the mood anymore” I sigh.

“Has something happened?” she looks at me in concern and I chuckle slightly.

“No, I’m just not in the mood” I assure her.

“Oh, okay then. Well are you alright staying here on your own? You can invite Jack over if you like” she suggests and I nod.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine”

“Alright, well your Dad was thinking of having a meal there so I’ll leave you money for a take away. We’ll probably be home pretty late because it’s Saturday and the traffic will be hectic” she informs me whilst I take off my shoes.

“Okay, thanks” I smile up at her and she gives me a quick nod before jogging upstairs. I make my way into the living room and decide to watch a bit of TV until they’ve gone. I’ll probably just get a shower when they’ve gone.

It’s now ten to one in the afternoon and my parents have just left the house after asking me several times if I’m sure I want to stay here. I get up off the sofa and turn off the TV, before going into the bathroom and taking a long shower, washing my hair and body.

I get out and sit in my bedroom, blow drying my hair until it’s dry. I then decide to straighten it and put it in a high ponytail just so it’s manageable for tomorrow and not frizzy. I’m happy with my hair length now. It falls down to a bit higher than my waist. I told you it grew fast. Mind you, it has been growing for 3 months now.

I change into some leggings and a plain white t-shirt, just as someone starts banging on my door. I quickly jog downstairs, following the unnecessary banging on the front door and swing the door open to see Ben. You’re joking me...

“Ben” I almost gasp, probably because I’m out of breath from running through the house.

“Hey” he says enthusiastically, smiling widely at me.

“What do you want?” I raise an eyebrow, teasingly.

“I just came to talk” he shrugs, pushing his hand into his pockets.

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