Chapter 116

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It’s the next day now and I’ve just gotten back from school. I’ve thought about what I want to say to Mum and I think I’ve just decided to talk to her about why I’m so angry at her and why I feel like it’s her fault that she split Conor and I up. I’ll bite my tongue when I think of something sassy or offensive but I’m scared I won’t be able to hold it in. I mean, that’s all I’ve been doing for the past month with both my parents.

As soon as I get home, I go straight up to my room, avoiding my parents at all cost. I mean, they’ve kept me up in my room for a month so that’s where I’ll stay. Just because I said I’d talk to them, doesn’t mean that I’m going to make effort.

“Lucy?” Dad calls from downstairs as soon as I get to my bedroom. I moan, putting down my bag, taking off my shoes and throwing my blazer onto my bed. “Lucy!?” he calls again.

“I’m coming, I’m coming. Calm down” I call back, forgetting my plan to bite my tongue. I run downstairs and enter the kitchen way too quickly, halting to a stop. Mum’s sat down at the breakfast bar sipping her glass of orange juice and my Dad’s leaning on the kitchen surface with a drink behind him. “What?” I switch glances between the two of them.

“Do you have anything to say?” he frowns, expecting me to come up with a speech to give to Mum. Wrong.

“No” I frown in confusion. “If you expected me to make a speech for her then you can think again”

“Don’t push it, Lucy. We can always re-ground you” Mum snaps.

“Aw, you’d love that wouldn’t you” I scoff, turning to walk out of the room. I can’t be bothered. I’ve been grounded for a month so I can take whatever now. Fucking ground me, don’t threaten me about it.

“I thought you were going to talk to your Mum about everything” Dad frowns again. I turn around and sigh.

“I’ll talk to her about it but don’t expect me to do all the talking and for me to be all nice. You did ground me for a month” I shrug, sitting down opposite my Mum.

Dad sighs, “Shall I leave you two to it?”

“Yeah, you might as well” Mum shrugs and he nods before taking him and his drink elsewhere. I sit in silence, waiting for Mum to talk. Like I said, I’m not doing all the talking. She’s the one that wants me here. I’d more than happily sit upstairs in my room doing nothing. I’m used it now after doing it for the past month. “What are you thinking about?” she breaks the comfortable silence.

“About how much I don’t want to be here” I tell her truthfully.

She sighs, “Lucy, I don’t want to argue with you”

“You grounded me for a month. You can’t expect me to be all sweet and innocent with you” I scoff.

“Yeah, I know” she mumbles and I look at her in shock. She’s actually agreeing with my behaviour. “I didn’t want to ground you for a month-“

“But you did” I shrug. The whole ‘biting my tongue’ plan has gone straight out of the window. I don’t even care about being ‘respectful’ anymore.

“Because I was so disappointed in the way you spoke to your Dad and I. I thought that grounding you for a month would make you apologise for what you said, and would make you talk to me about your problems but you being the stubborn teenager you are, my plan backfired completely” she huffs. Rather than being offended, I’m actually proud of being that stubborn teenager and standing my ground with my Mum. “I didn’t want it to ruin our relationship”

“You could’ve ungrounded me at any time” I shrug, completely unaffected at how she’s portraying her feelings to me.

“I was just waiting for you to come and speak to me”

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