Chapter 101

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Conor’s POV

This is driving me fucking insane. Seeing Lucy just led on our bed helplessly while we all sit around her just waiting for her to wake up. The amount of fucking times I’ve told these shitty resort doctors that Lucy needs to go to hospital is unreal.

“She’s not fucking waking up. You can’t expect us all to sit around here and wait” I raise my voice, keeping my eyes locked on Lucy’s colour-drained face.

As soon as I saw that she didn’t have her helmet on, I slid down the hill after her, knowing that something bad was going to happen. And I was right.

I’ve never felt fear like that as much in my life. I had to check if my fucking girlfriend was alive. That’s fucking traumatising. No one should have to do that. I had to carry her down this steep ass fucking hill to get to the ‘emergency room’ but I wish I’d have just fucking drove to the hospital around here. These doctors are doing jack shit.

They checked her heartbeat and a load of other shit and told me that she’s just passed out but will wake up in a couple of hours. Will she fuck.

I can’t bare to sit here and wait for Lucy to wake up. It’s impossible. I’m shaking uncontrollably and I’m mad at everyone in the room for not realising that she needs to be taken to A&E. Fuck, she fainted at her house once and I nearly rang 999. She’s now rolled down a ski hill and all we’re doing is waiting for her to wake up. This is bullshit.

“Conor, calm down” Adam, Lucy’s Dad, mumbles.

“How the fuck do you expect me to calm down? You didn’t see her falling down that hill! You didn’t have to check if she was fucking alive” I shout. I understand how rude I sound but this is Lucy’s life I’m calling for. He nods at me, signalling that he understands me.

“He has a point. Are you sure we shouldn’t just go to the hospital?” Adam frowns. Finally, someone’s seeing sense.

“Sir, we’ve already told you. Your daughter only passed out as she was falling down the hill. The only thing she’ll be suffering from is scratches and bruises. She must’ve passed out in shock” the doctor explains to us.

“Bullshit” I spit, receiving a glare from the so called ‘doctor’.

Adam just sighs and puts his head back in his hands. It’s painful looking around the room and seeing everyone sat in a circle around the bed Lucy’s laying on in agony, just waiting for her to wake up. I’m fucking ripping my hair out.

I look over at Eleanor who’s crying on Matt’s – her Dad’s – shoulder, as he rubs her back slightly to comfort her while muttering a few supportive things to her. She looks up at me and I just glare back at her. She can’t expect a smile when I’m in this state. I barely like her anyway for the way she treated Lucy. If it wasn’t for her and Jack fucking up, Lucy probably wouldn’t have even gone up that ski lift. I refuse to blame myself for this.

I look over at Jack and see him sat on the edge of his seat, biting his nail and blinking back a tear that’s just about to fall. He fails and I watch as it just rolls down his cheek but he quickly wipes it away.

Adam’s head’s in his hands and I can hear his harsh breaths inhaling and exhaling every few seconds.

The two male doctors are just sat on a chair next to the sofa, impatiently waiting for Lucy to wake up.

“She needs to go to the hospital” I announce for about the seventh time tonight. We can’t sit here and just wait for a miracle to wake her up. She needs special fucking treatment before it’s too late. I’ve seen this shit happen before.

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