Chapter 104

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“Race you” I laugh as me and Conor speed down the hill.

“Watch out!” he shouts as he speeds past me.

“You’re not going to win” I shout after him.

“Prove it” he turns around to me, risking it. I’m way too scared to look anywhere else when I snowboard.

“I’m coming” I smirk as I zigzag through the trees along the side of the actual slope. I shouldn’t be doing this but Jack and I were doing it earlier and it was so fun.

“Ooo, fucking rebel” he teases, coming in the trees after me. I laugh as I race down the hill and over a ramp, beating Conor by a millisecond.

“Think I proved it” I shrug.

“I let you win” he winks.

“Ha, good one” I say sarcastically and he starts laughing.

It’s been an hour since we won the competition. It’s seriously dark out here and only dim lights light up the ski slopes. Conor, Eleanor, Jack and I are just messing about around the resort because we’re all in a seriously good mood and barely anyone uses the outside resort at this time. I think we’re the only ones actually.

“Move bitches” Eleanor calls, snowboarding at full speed towards us. I jump out of the way as quickly as possible and she quickly swerves out of the way of me and Conor.

“You’re fucking lethal” Conor frowns.

“This is what got us five hundred pounds though” she smiles proudly, gesturing to herself.

“Oh yeah, your little twist in the air had a great impact on our final score” Conor nods sarcastically.

“I know, right?” she scoffs, turning to look at Jack who’s now flying down the slope. He swerves towards me, knocking a load of snow in my face.

“Thanks Jack” I mumble and he starts laughing.

“Let’s go in the pool” Conor gasps.

“It’ll be shut by now” Eleanor frowns.

“Exactly, it’ll be empty” he shrugs.


“Lucy, if we get kicked out of this resort, it’s your fault” Conor whispers to me as we sneak our way into the pool room. I’ve never been in here but I can see there’s a sauna and steam room, a hot tub in the corner and a giant rectangular pool in the centre of everything. It’s so warm in here.

“What!? Conor, you’re the one that-“

“Lucy, chill” he smirks and I nudge him slightly. “Oh my god, I’m falling” he exaggerates and hands me his clothes he changed out of earlier. I smile in amusement as he stumbles over to the pool and falls in, wearing his swimming trunks and a black t-shirt that he changed into before we came here. I start laughing and place both our clothes on the floor. Eleanor and I changed into some shorts and a top, and Jack changed into his trunks and a t-shirt like Conor. Eleanor and I were in no position to wear our swimming costumes.

“You’re crazy” I shake my head as he pops out of the water and shakes out his hair. Jack does a run up to the pool and does a bomb in it, then Eleanor follows him by doing a spin in the air and dropping in the water.

“Luce, come on” Conor swims towards the edge of the pool where I’m stood staring at the 3 of them in amusement.

“We’re not supposed to be in here” I frown slightly, looking around. I’m pretty scared about all this. They could kick us out of the resort if we get caught.

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