Chapter 1

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Louis POV

"Hey Jake." I said quietly, walking into his office where he was doing the same old "work" that he does everyday. "Are you busy?"

"What's up baby?" He said coming over and taking me in his arms. He lifted me up, placing me against the wall and began kissing my neck. I tried to pull away from him, but he was very persistent.

"No not now-" I said, but he cut me off by kissing my lips, to which I didn't kiss back and made him drop me harshly. He shoved me up against the very wall and put his hand to my throat, but not applying pressure.

"It better be good." He spat.

"Jake I t-think I'm g-gonna have a s-seizure" I said, my voice wavering, fingers tingling and I was slipping in and out of consciousness. He let me fall to the floor and turned me on my side and that's all I could do before I went completely unconscious and seized.

I woke up about 10 minutes later and I was very disoriented and couldn't really remember what happened until Jake handed me a glass of water. Today was one of his good days and actually helped me when I had a seizure.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, a little bit of concern laced in his voice, but I know it would all turn to shit later that evening or the next day.

"Tired." I said and he helped me to stand and guided me to the living room couch. He helped me lay down and get comfortable, before handing me my afternoon dosage of my epilepsy medication.

"Get some sleep baby." I nodded and closed my eyes and waited for him to leave the room. I opened my eyes and pulled out my phone to a few messages from Harry and Niall. My phone is a secret and Jake hasn't found out about it. It's the only way I can keep in touch with my friends, as Jake doesn't let me leave the house very often.

Hey mate! Want to hang out today? I can just come by and see if Jake allows you to come, unless you guys are busy. - From Niall

I texted back Yea sure mate, just bring the others. I waited for Niall's reply and it was almost instant.

Of course! We will be there in a few! Niall said. I put my phone away as Jake came back into the room. I closed my eyes and evened out my breathing, which was a trick I learned how to do a while ago, in order for him to think I was asleep. He rubbed my arm and tried to wake me. I opened my eyes slowly to make it seem like I had just woken up.

"Sorry to wake you Lou, but I'm heading out okay? I'll be back by midnight. I love you." He smiled and kissed my cheek. He waited for me to nod and then he left. I got up and changed my clothes, before making myself look presentable in the bathroom.

What if they are only hanging out because they feel bad? What if they see my bruises like last time and I can't come up with an excuse? Are they really my friends?

The voices in my head were raging with anxiety as there was a knock on the door. I quickly ran down the stairs to open the front door as Niall, Harry, and Liam stood there, smiles on their faces.

"Hey guys! Come in, I'll just be a second." I told them as they went into the kitchen to take my anxiety medication.

What if I take a few more pills than intended? Would that hurt me? Would I be hurting others if I died? What would happen if-"

"Are you going to take the pills or just stare at them?" Harry said as he watched me from the doorframe. I poured out one pill and swallowed it easily.

"Sorry I just-" He put his hand up, telling me to stop.

"No need to apologize." He said pulling me into a hug, almost like he could sense something was wrong. "Your anxiety acting up today?"

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