Chapter 6

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Louis POV

I stayed in the hospital for another night, the doctors adjusted my seizure medication again; the second time in a week. Harry took me home and when I got out of the car, Jake opened the front door and just stood there watching me and Harry grab my stuff out of the car.

"Louis are you alright?" He asked, but I could hear the sarcasm in his voice. He didn't do this to me, but he didn't even decide to check on me when he left and I was quite pissed.

"Fine." I said coldly and I walked by him, going straight to my bedroom. I could hear Jake and Harry's conversation though.

"Jake why did you just leave him?" Harry asked and I laughed as he would come up with some lame excuse.

"Look, I don't know what you are hinting at Harry, but I had nothing to do with this. I left with my friend to go talk to other people and when I returned to the table all my friends, plus Louis, was gone and I was too drunk to think about where he might have gone, so I assumed he went home."

"Yeah whatever Jake. If I have to show up here to take him to the hospital again, Louis' will never see you again." Harry's words hurt. I loved Jake, but I loved Harry too, but he couldn't do that to me. He's not hurting me. He just gets mad sometimes.

A minute later I heard the front door slam and Jake's footsteps coming up the stairs. I was scared when he opened the door. He came over to me and took me in his embrace by my shirt's collar.

"What the hell?" He shouted and I just stayed silent. "Why is he thinking I did something to you?"

"I didn't tell him anything, I don't know what's up with him I swear!" I replied, which he of course didn't like, so his grip became tighter.

"Yea sure." He finally released me and I just stared at him before speaking up.

"I didn't tell him anything I swear." He stayed quiet for a minute before taking my bag and rummaging through it. I was confused by his actions and was wondering what the hell he was looking for, but luckily he came up short.

"Where is it?" He said, placing me up against a wall and his hand dangerously close to my throat.

"What?" I had no idea what he was talking about. He took out his own phone and scrolled through it with his free hand, until he got to his messages. He showed me the ones that were supposedly sent to my phone, but to be honest I didn't even know where my phone was, so I was going to go with the fact that I still didn't have one.

"Where's your phone?" He asked angrily.

"What are you talking about? I don't have a phone!" He slapped my cheek and started applying pressure on my throat, but not enough to cut off oxygen. Yet.

"Don't play dumb with me. I felt it in your pocket that night and how else are you communicating with Harry and all your other little friends."

"Jake I swear I don't have one I would tell-" It wasn't a slap this time, but a punch instead and I felt my right eye start to swell up.

"Stop lying!" He yelled, finally applying the pressure to my throat and in this moment I wish he would apply more so that I could die and get it over with. But no, he was making it slow and eventually he stopped and let me drop to the floor. I coughed a lot and was coughing up blood, but it was just from the blood dripping down the back of my throat from my nose that was bleeding.

"Jake I swear to you that I don't have it on me. It was either left at the bar or someone has it." He looked at me before slamming the bedroom door. I peeled myself off the floor and went into the bathroom to assess the damage.

Will it ever end? - A Larry Stylinson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now