Chapter 35

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A/N: I'm sorry I'm late, but I've been very busy this weekend, so heres the update!

Louis POV

When I woke up a couple hours later, Harry was still asleep, which I was honestly thankful for because I was not in the mood to talk about the surgery. I had a lot to think about.

Of course, getting this surgery would be amazing if it went well, but with the risks of it not even working, nevermind the fact that I could possibly die or become paralyzed. I don't want to risk my life just to try to get rid of the seizures that have been affecting me for many years. I know that they get in the way of basically everything, but I don't want my quality of life to get any worse. Especially dying.

"You alright boo?" Harry asked suddenly. I hadn't realized that he even woke up.

"Just thinking." I said quietly, cuddling into his chest.

"The surgery?" He questioned and I nodded. He sighed.

"Do you think I should get it?" I asked him.

"I can't make the decision for you, but I think it would help you out a real lot. I know the internet isn't the most reliable source, but combine that with what the doctor told us, I think it would be the best bet." He explained and I nodded in understanding.

"I agree, but it's a brain surgery!" I exclaimed. "I know the risks are low, but like I could die and have a worse off quality of life and I just don't want that. But I mean if the surgery does work, and my seizures stop, or are reduced, then I guess it would be worth it."

"It would definitely be worth it. I think those small risks that the doctor is talking about are present in all surgeries. The surgery you had for your hand probably had similar risks because of the general anesthesia. And I know that this is a brain surgery, so obviously the risks are more prominent, but I think it'll be worth it, especially if it works." Harry said and I nodded. I still wanted to think about it, but I think I would end up going for it.

* * * * *

About a week has passed since we saw the doctor and I had come to a decision that I would get the surgery. It took a lot of thinking and talking with the doctor, Harry, and my mum to come to a formal decision, but I finally came up with my decision.

Harry was proud of me and supported me with whatever I came up with. After we told the doctor, he gave us a date for the surgery, which was two days from today. I was getting nervous, so I've been trying to distract myself throughout the day while Harry works in his office.

Around lunchtime, I went to his office to eat lunch with him. When I went in, he was on the phone, so I quietly shut the door and went over to him. He opened his arms and I climbed on his lap while I waited for him to finish the phone call.

"My gosh." He said when he hung up. "I hate that guy so much. He's so annoying and I'm pretty sure he is trying to flirt with me. I'm so glad I don't have to go into the office because I know he would be trouble." I giggled as he finished and looked at me. "What?" He asked.

"I love when you ramble." I said and he rolled his eyes, but kissed me anyways. "I wanted to ask if you wanted to eat lunch with me?"

"Of course Lou. Give me one sec to finish up. Want to order or cook?"


"Fine with me. Order whatever. I'll be done in a minute okay?" I nodded and got up, pecking his lips and heading to the kitchen to order.

I ended up ordering some sandwiches to be delivered and luckily it was only going to be 15 minutes or so, which was good because Harry technically only had 30 minutes for lunch, but he usually did a little bit longer.

The sandwiches arrived just as Harry came downstairs from his office. I set up plates and napkins for both of us as he joined me at the table.

"Thank you love." He said, kissing my forehead, then sitting down across from me. We made small talk and then I started getting that funny feeling again. I hated that feeling, as I would most likely be groggy and grumpy for the rest of the day. I must've caught Harry's attention because he quickly came to my side.

"Come on Lou. Let's get you to the floor." I was pretty out of it and just allowed Harry to help me on the floor gently. He turned me on my side and held my head in his lap to make sure that when I started seizing I didn't hit it on the tile floor. Eventually after a few grueling minutes, I succumbed to the darkness.

I woke maybe 10 or so minutes later and I was still in the same position on the floor in the kitchen. I tried to sit up quickly to gain my surroundings back, but Harry held me down and reassured me.

"No, let's stay down for a few minutes okay?" I nodded and took a deep breath. After about 5 minutes he helped me sit up and asked me the usual questions to make sure I was alright.

"Was it bad?" I asked. And he shook his head no.

"Not terrible. 've seen worse." I nodded.

"You have to get back to work." I said.

"It's fine. You are more important. Are you okay now?" He asked as he helped me to stand. He guided me to the living room and gave me a bottle of water.

"Yeah. Thank you." He nodded. "Can we talk when you are finished with work?"

"Of course. I'll be done by 4. I love you." He said.

"Love you too!"

Four o'clock came around quicker than I thought when Harry came strolling out of his office and into the study where I was messing around with the guitar. I wouldn't say I know how to play guitar, but I'm not very good at it. I can play a few simple songs, but most of the time I just mindlessly play chords, trying to find a cool melody.

"Do you want to talk now?" Harry asked, and I jumped slightly, as I hadn't noticed he was standing at the door. I put the guitar down and nodded.

We went to the living room and sat down. Harry told me he was going to make some tea dn then we would talk. He brought it over and sat down, waiting for me to begin.

"I think I'm going to get the surgery." He nodded and waited for me to continue. "After talking with mum and you some more I realized that even though there are some risks, I don't think those risks outweigh the good. And if this surgery helps with my seizures and can help me live more of a normal life, then that's great. I really want that."

"I'm proud of you Lou. We can call the doctor tomorrow morning and tell him the news. Then we will get the surgery scheduled and ready to go, sound good?"

"Yes it does." I said, and cuddled into Harry's side. I hope this was worth it.

A/N: Bit of a short one, but these next few are going to be good! And we are nearing the end of the story, so thank you to all that are still reading this. Every vote and comment brings me joy, so continue to vote and comment, as I read every single one!

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