Chapter 18

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The officers asked Harry, Liam, and Niall to all wait outside while they went in with the heavily armed officers and that they would call them in once the place is secure.

Harry was reluctant to wait, but eventually after some heavy convincing, he decided to wait outside like he was told. The wait was agonizing, but eventually an officer came outside along with the guy we saw before and Jake both in handcuffs. Jake glared at us and got angry that we were here. It gave the lads more hope that it was Louis in there seeking for help.

"Okay so we aren't sure what's wrong with him, but he's pretty badly injured. We have an officer with him and an ambulance on the way. He's been seizing on and off for the past few minutes. From what I've seen before, it's possible it's alcohol poisoning just from the amount of alcohol bottles surrounding the poor kid." They all nodded and followed the officer upstairs.

Just like the officer described, there he was. Louis was actively seizing and the officer was holding his head so he didn't whack it on the hard flooring. His body was covered in cuts and bruises, and his left hand looked pretty messed up.

"Lou oh my gosh." Harry said and kneeled by him, taking over the officer's position. Luckily they have all dealt with Louis' seizures before, but not when they were consistent and going on seizure after seizure. Niall and Liam knelt by him as well and they had to wait for his seizures to end before examining him.

Eventually after an agonizing 4 and a half minutes, his seizure stopped, but according to the officer, it was his third one that they have seen. They knew his epilepsy was bad, but it's never this bad. It's most likely something more than just epilepsy at this point.

The paramedics arrived after a few minutes and Louis didn't seize again, but he was still unconscious. They took his vitals and he was barely hanging one when they brought him out to the ambulance and on the stretcher.

"Can I go with him?" Harry asked and the paramedics nodded and allowed him on.

"We will meet you at the hospital okay Haz?" Liam asked and Harry nodded as the paramedics closed the ambulance doors and began the drive to the hospital.

Harry POV

I'm so glad they found him, but if his heartbeat wasn't playing on the monitor and his chest wasn't rising and falling, I would have assumed he was dead. He looked so pale and malnourished.

"You okay sir?" The paramedic asked and I nodded. He handed me a bottle of water and I thanked him as he took out a kit.

"What's that?" I asked and he smiled.

"It's to test a patient's blood alcohol level. We have to see how much alcohol he has consumed so the hospital knows how to treat him." I nodded as the paramedic pricked Louis' finger and used the single drop of blood on the machine. She waited a minute or so before the results showed. Her eyes widened and yelled something to her partner to go faster.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned. She didn't answer, so I repeated myself as Louis went into another seizure. The paramedic turned Louis on his side and held his shoulder and head to make sure he didn't fall off. I put my hand on his hip for added support.

"His blood alcohol level is dangerously high. We need to get him to the hospital now so they can pump his stomach and get it down. That's probably why he is seizing so much." I just sighed and could feel the tears brim my eyes as his seizure came to a slow and the ambulance stopped.

They unloaded Louis first and I followed close by, but was stopped just outside his room as I watched them start to work on him. His heart rate was really low along with all his other vitals and I wasn't sure if he was going to make this out alive.

They placed him on two IVs, one in each arm. One nurse was inspecting his injuries while another nurse and a doctor placed two tubes down his throat. They passed saline through one tube and his stomach contents came out through the other and I looked away so I didn't pass out myself.

"Prep to intubate." I heard someone say and I tried to ask what was wrong and they all turned to me, like they didn't know I was there. "Get him out of here."

"What?" I said as a nurse came over to me. "No I need to stay with him!" I shouted and eventually I was pulled out of there as they were shoving a tube down his throat and attaching him to a ventilator. They pulled me out into a private waiting room and a nurse sat me down.

"Try to calm down okay?" I nodded and took in a shaky breath. The nurse put a hand on my shoulder to aid with the comfort, but to be honest I couldn't relax.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked and she took her clipboard and flipped through some of the papers on it.

"I'll be honest with you and I'm not sure. He definitely has alcohol poisoning and pair that with his epilepsy, it's not a great combination." I nodded. "However, he has amazing doctors working on him and I think after a few weeks, he'll be good to go. I'm going to go check on him and I'll be back to update you in a little while okay?"

"Yeah thank you." She smiled and stood up. But before she left, she turned back.

"Is there anyone you want me to call for you or for that boy?"

"You can call his oldest sister, Lottie Tomlinson and could you call my mum for me? My other friends are on their way already."

"Of course. What are your other friend's names so I can send them here when they arrive?"

"Niall Horan and Liam Payne." She wrote their names down and nodded. Then she left, leaving me alone.

I had waited about 5 minutes and then Niall and Liam showed up to sit with me and wait. The nurse came back about 25 minutes later.

"I called you mum and the patient's mum. Your mum will be down within the next hour or so and his mum will do her best to be down in the next few hours as she is quite far away." I nodded as she continued. "As for an update. His left hand is severely broken and has multiple displaced bones. It requires surgery. He's being brought to the operating room now, so that will take a few hours. His knee is sprained, so he'll have to wear a brace for the next few weeks."

"What about his hand? I mean like healing?" I asked.

"His hand will be in a cast for about 6 weeks, then he will come back for an update to see if the cast can be removed, which it hopefully should be. Then he'll do lots of physical therapy to get back to his peak mobility." She said. "Now his blood alcohol level was .282, when a legally intoxicated person has .08, so his level was dangerously high and probably could have put him in a coma if it got any higher."

"How much alcohol do you have to ingest for his level to be that high?" Liam asked and I nodded.

"Well taking into account his lower weight, probably about 2 bottles, or 4 or 5 drinks, but it could be more or less, we can't really tell. Luckily his blood alcohol level now is about .12, which is much better and for him will probably be close to sober for him." We all sighed and nodded as she stood up to leave. "I'll let you know when he gets to recovery. Feel free to go to the cafe to get something to eat and drink."

"Thank you." I said as she left. We did end up going to the cafe to get some dinner, where the food wasn't that great, but it was better than nothing.

Waiting for them to update felt like years. I couldn't stop worrying, but I knew he was going to be okay. Of course I'm scared, but luckily we got there when we did because he probably would have died if we didn't. After what felt like centuries, but was actually only about 3 hours, the nurse finally came back. 

Will it ever end? - A Larry Stylinson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now