Chapter 29

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Double Update! Enjoy!

Louis POV

I needed to talk to Harry.

I've been pretty closed off the past few days because at my work I saw something, well more like someone, I wish I didn't. No, it wasn't Jake, but one of his accomplices that was on scene when the cops saved me. Why he was out and about, I don't know, but I've been scared of him ever since.

Harry went to work early this morning, so I woke up and made myself some breakfast. As I was eating, my phone buzzed once. Then twice. Then three times and so on. I was confused about what was happening as I don't have many friends and Harry doesn't text me that quickly.

I dropped my spoon into my cereal bowl and went to grab my phone from the living room coffee table where I left it. I turned it over to see 15 new messages from an unknown number. I unlocked my phone and checked the messages.

I know you saw me

Watch out

I can see you

I'll be following

Don't you tell Harry

I'll kill you

Can you let me finish what I started?

I started to get the feeling of panic rise in my chest and I had a feeling of who was texting me. He was right in that I saw him at work, but he never approached me. He was just watching me. Was he actually following me? Did he know where I lived? I thought. I decided to call Harry. He still had a few hours left, but I was scared and needed him here. He didn't pick up the first time and I was scared that he already got to Harry, but when I called again he answered.

"Lou? What's up baby?"

"Can you come home?"

"What's wrong? Are you alright?"

"N-no not really I-I just need you here."

"I'll try to leave but I don't know if I'll be able to right away. Hold on one sec."

He must have left the phone somewhere while he went to talk to his manager. And speaking of the manager, mine fired me because he couldn't "handle" my seizures. Harry told me to sue him, which I might, but I'm trying to find another job, so hopefully once I can get settled, then I can worry about my old manager.


"Yeah sorry. Just thinking."

"It's fine. My manager said he can let me off in about an hour. Do you think you'll be alright? I can call Niall or Liam to come see you."

"No it's fine, just come home when you can."

"Okay just try to relax. I love you."

"I love you too. Now go back to work so you can come home."

"Alright I will. See you in a bit."

I hung up right after and decided to hide out in our bedroom until Harry came home. I took my phone and locked the door. I also closed all the windows and drew the curtains, making it very dark. I settled on the bed and ended up falling asleep for about 45 minutes and was only woken when I heard the front door open and Harry call out to me.

I unlocked the bedroom door and made my way down the stairs. I practically ran into his arms and he picked me effortlessly, bringing me to the living room. We sat and cuddled for a few minutes before I finally pulled back and he brushed the hair out of my face.

"What's going on baby?" He asked and I sighed. "I know you've been a little distant this past week, so what's up?"

"I saw Emmet." I said quietly and I felt him tense underneath.

"What? Where?" He said suddenly and I put my arms on his shoulders to keep him somewhat calm.

"He didn't approach me or anything, he just was outside my work. We kept distance between us and he walked past the restaurant, stopped and locked eyes with me, and then left. It was like a minute thing but it made me just think. Why did he get out?"

"I don't know the baby, but we are going to find out and make sure we make sure he gets charged or at least get a restraining order because this is not okay."

"I know, but today I got like 15 text messages from an unknown number." I then took my phone out to show him and he gasped when he looked at the messages. "I know it's him and I just don't know what to do. I'm scared that he's following me or you and that he knows where I live or I don't even know."

"Alright let's calm down first of all. Take a deep breath. We will figure this out." I nodded and leaned against his chest to listen to his heart beat. I followed his breathing and eventually mine evened out and I ended up falling asleep.

Mystery POV

"For fucks sake Luke would you be quiet?!" I yelled after Luke stepped on a branch that caused a loud snap.

"Sorry E, I'm trying." I rolled my eyes at him as we continued through the forest.

"Just shut up and hurry up to get to their house. We can't just take our time. He will break eventually and tell that bitch Harry. Then they'll call the police. We have to do this now. I got out of getting arrested once already. I'd rather not do it again." I spat as eventually came to an opening in the forest and arrived at the house.

"You remember the plan right? Or are too stupid to do that too?" I asked Luke and he nodded.

"Yea I do." He said, huffing and puffing from the walk. "Throw something at the front window, break in through the back, grab Louis, drug him, tie him up, then do the same with Harry."

"Good at least you can remember that." We walked slowly to the side of the house and made our way to the front, crouching in front of the large window. We could see Louis and Harry laying on each other, seeming to be asleep, which was good on our part.

"Okay ready?" Luke nodded and I picked up a rock that was just sitting in the front lawn. Luke grabbed a larger one for the back window as I threw the rock at the window.

Harry POV

I had woken a few hours later, Louis still out cold, but I wasn't moving in case I woke Louis up. I had stayed underneath his weight, until what seemed like a knock at the window pulled me out of my thoughts. I thought nothing of it until it happened again.

I carefully maneuvered myself out from underneath Louis, laying him gently on the couch, being sure I didn't wake him. I grabbed my phone and went towards the front window where I heard the knock noise.

As I was investigating the noise, I heard glass break from the back of the house, so I quickly took out my phone as I realized we were probably being robbed. I dialled the police and headed back to the lounge room to find a guy dressed in all black standing over his body, tying his hands around his back.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled under my breath. He must have sensed my presence because he looked up and smirked at me. "Get the fuck off of him!"

I started to make my way towards him, but another guy popped out of nowhere, slamming something over my head. I felt a needle plunge into my arm before everything went black. I just hoped that the police could hear and trace the location of the phone in my pocket. 

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