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Thank you all for reading this book; I'm very sad this book is ending, but I might start a new one soon, or may just focus on my second one-shot book, not sure yet. Anyway enjoy the epilogue :D

1 year later

Louis POV

"Niall, please, get yourself together so you can help me get myself together. I would rather not go out naked in front of Harry and I's familys." I said, as I pulled my trousers on, buttoning the rather tight button on the front and smoothing out the legs.

"Sorry, sorry. Serious now." Niall said with a straight face. He stayed like that for about a minute before he burst out laughing again and if looks could kill, Niall would be dead.

After a minute, I started laughing as well, because I could never be mad at Niall. I rolled my eyes as he pulled on his suit jacket, then came over to the mirror where I was standing, trying to tie my tie, which proved to be difficult due to how nervous I was.

"Lou, you need to relax." Niall said, finally calming down after his laughing fit.

"I'm sorry for being nervous about marrying the love of my life. Plus you were like this with Liam anyway." He shrugged.

"True, but seriously, you're actually shaking." I looked down at my hands, which indeed were shaking. I shoved them in my pants pockets to avoid looking at them and trying to calm my nerves. Niall ended up tying my tie for me and then he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Lou." He started. "Calm down. Breathe. You can't be this worked up or you'll never be able to say your vows." He explained.

I took a few deep breaths before speaking. "You're right and I'm sorry. I just want everything to be just right and to go well."

"I know. And it will. Now we are officially five minutes late, so let's go. Got his ring and your vows?" Niall asked.

"Yes to the vows. Lottie has both our rings. Supposedly she is going to have Doris and Ernest bring them down, but she isn't sure they'll make it down the aisle."

"Fair enough. Now come on." He said, pulling my arm out of my room to where the large double doors stood.

"Finally." Lottie said. Now first, Harry will walk down with his mum, then mum will walk down with you. Just like in rehearsal, okay?"

"Uhm yeah, okay. Thank you for doing so much Lottie. You have our rings, right?" I asked.

"Could never forget. I'm going to walk down with Doris and Ernest, followed by Daisy, then Phoebe. Gemma will go, then Harry's grandparents, then Harry, then Fizzy will go, then finally you." She explained, taking a large breath in after she explained the order. "Oh and you're welcome."

"Is Harry okay? He's good?" I asked.

"Not saying anything more, but yes he's fine, nervous as well. You'll both do great. Now go back to your room until Fizzy comes to get you." I nodded and headed back alone. Niall wished me luck as he was walking down with Gemma.

As I sat in my dressing room by myself, I just thought of the last year and everything that's happened since me and Harry got together.

Honestly, I haven't had a seizure in 4 months, which was a huge improvement. The device that I had implanted was working wonders. Of course I still had to avoid my triggers for epilepsy that I was avoiding before, but my seizures weren't severe at all if I did ever have them.

The last year consisted of my taking a medical technician course to get my medical technician license so I can start working a real job. Harry opened his own company which helped individuals with disabilities, such as epilepsy, look for jobs or any sort of help they needed in their everyday lives. It was really nice to start having a real adult life and not worry about Jake or my epilepsy getting in the way.

Will it ever end? - A Larry Stylinson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now