Chapter 31

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A/N: Thank you so much for 1K reads!

Louis POV

I woke up in the same position, still holding onto Harry. Harry was fast asleep, but luckily the feeling in my arms was starting to come back, so I was able to lift myself off his chest and I realized I really needed to wee.

As I pushed myself off Harry's chest, his grip on me tightened. This made me laugh, because he was practically squeezing my bladder and I didn't want to pee on him.

"Haz let up." I said giggling and he slowly woke up. He pulled me in for a hug and then finally released his grip on me.

"How are you feeling?" He said.

"Better. I can move my arms. Not sure about my legs but I really have to pee, so can you help me please before I pee on you."

"Of course baby. Come on." He set me on my bed so he could get up. Just before he was about to help me stand up, the nurse entered to take my vitals.

"Good morning Louis. I see your reflexes are doing better." She said as she checked over my vitals.

"I have to pee, so are you done so I can go?" She laughed and nodded.

"Yes I'm finished. Let me unhook your drips real quick." She quickly unhooked all my drips and then helped Harry stand me up.

"Gosh this feels so weird." I said as I made my way to the bathroom. The nurse left us to give me some privacy as Harry helped me sit down.

"The nurse said it will feel that way for a while. Once you walk around more and the drug is completely out of your system, you'll feel a lot better."

"Did they catch Emmet?" Harry nodded as he helped me back to bed.

"Yup that night, they caught both Luke and Emmet. They are in jail now and we will be safe. Niall and Liam said they caught the others that were working with them as well."

"Oh my gosh wait are they still here? I totally forgot that I asked for you first and I thought that they could come later and-" Harry put his finger over my lips to make me stop talking.

"Louu it's fine. Once you fell asleep I texted them what was up and told the nurse to tell them to come back tomorrow. I'm sure they would understand. You were very upset last night and you needed me, so it's okay. They said they would stop by later this morning."

"Okay, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, it's fine. Oh look." He pulled out his phone and showed me his messages. "They are here now. Is that okay?"

"Yeah. Can I just put a different sweatshirt on? Maybe one of yours?" I asked sheepishly.

"Of course. Here." He helped change me and then the nurse knocked on the door.

"There are two visitors here for you Louis. Is it okay if they come in?" She asked and I nodded, opening the door more to allow Liam and Niall inside. They came over and hugged both of us, holding onto me for a bit longer."

"I'm okay guys, just a little weak." I said after they pulled away.

"I'm glad you are alright Lou. You too Haz." Niall said.

We caught up and talked about what happened. After, we just made small talk until the doctor said I could be discharged home.

"Let us know if your weakness gets any worse or you have any other odd symptoms, okay?" I nodded as he took out my IV and removed the heart rate monitor. He took my vitals one last time before he deemed me okay to go home.

We left in Liam's car and he dropped us off at Harry and I's house. He told me to stop calling it his house and to start calling it our house, and wasn't going to argue, so I just agreed, since I was living there with him.

Liam made sure we were both set before leaving us at the house. He told us to rest for the next few days and that he'll check up on us in a few days.

"Thanks Liam." He nodded and left, leaving us alone.

"I haven't taken my epilepsy meds in a couple days, so be prepared for seizures." I said, making it seem like it was a chore, or a burden to look after me.

"Lou please stop thinking it's a nuisance to look after you. I know what i signed up for and it's not that big a deal. I love you okay?"

"Okay I love you too."

"Now come on. Let's get some snacks and some drinks so we can just relax on the couch." I nodded and we relaxed on the couch for the rest of the day.

The rest of the week ended up being like this. We just relaxed throughout the day, watching random movies, making out in between, and just chilling. My seizures have been alright. It seems like the medicine isn't really doing anything, but I think it's because I haven't been in routine with taking my meds in the past couple weeks with everything that's been going on.

Liam did come and check on us, bringing us food and some other treats, but besides that, we were by ourselves and I honestly loved it. I never did this kind of stuff with Jake, so this was a luxury for me.

"What you thinking about?" Harry asked, pulling me out of my thoughts the night before he returns to work. He does work from home most of the time, but he has some meetings and stuff, so he has to go in. I smiled as I turned towards him and snuggled closer to him.

"You." I said, hiding my blush in Harry's chest.

"What about me?"

"Just things." I said.

"What kind of things?" He said, a hint of lust in his voice. I snapped my head up at his change in voice and decided to start kissing him.

It got heated very quickly and was maneuvered so I was on my back and he was hovering over me. We continued making out, pulling back for air every couple minutes, but never breaking apart farther than a few inches from each other.

Eventually, after a while, Harry pulled back, breathing hard. I could feel us both getting hard, so I was confused at why he was stopping.

"What's wrong?" I asked as he didn't say anything.

"No, nothing's wrong. I want to make sure that you are okay with this. I know what Jake did to you and I do not want to make you uncomfortable." He said and I just sighed.

"Harry I'm in love with a lot. I know you would never hurt me. What Jake did was out of anger or annoyance. I know you would do it out of love. Trust me when I tell you that I trust you to take care of me, okay?" Harry sighed and quickly pecked my lips.

"Okay I trust you and I love you. But you have to promise me that you'll tell me if you feel uncomfortable at all. Okay? Promise?" Harry explained and I nodded.

"I promise. Now kiss me you fool." I pulled his shirt so he could come closer to me and I could kiss him passionately.

A/N: Bit of shorter chapter, but there will be smut in the next chapter

**Also I know how I'm going to end this story, so it'll be ending at least in the next ten chapters. Thanks so much for reading and I'll try to upload the smut chapter in the next day or two.

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