Chapter 23

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Harry POV

Louis told them everything after his little outburst. The officers were pleased with his statement and they told us that they'll update us in a few days about Jake's proceeding. Louis went to bed a few minutes after the officers left and I stayed with him overnight to make sure he was safe and comfortable.

The next day came and went, nothing too exciting happening. The following day was when Louis was getting his PICC line placed. Then tomorrow, he would be heading home, or well to my home for a while. We had a small session on how to take care of the PICC line and we would have another once Louis' was inserted.

"You ready?" I asked him once he got showered and changed for the day.

"I guess. Not super excited about getting an IV that goes straight to my heart for the next like 3 weeks or so. But whatever helps me get over this stupid STD." I nodded and sat beside him.

He absolutely loved my company. I wish I had told him I liked him sooner because then maybe all of this could have been avoided. Or maybe this happened for a reason and that we maybe were meant to be together after he left Jake? I'll never know.

"Harry?" He pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I said looking at him.

"What are you thinking about?" I smiled.

"You." He blushed and looked away. "Just about how maybe if I told you I liked you sooner then this may have all been avoided." He nodded, grabbing my hand and laying back on the pillow.

"You could think that or maybe it happened for a reason?" He said and I stayed silent thinking that's exactly what I was thinking.

"Could be." He nodded as a nurse knocked and came into the room.

"Morning Louis." She smiled.

"Hi Sarah." Louis said and I stood up to give the nurse space to work.

"So this morning I am going to remove this IV." She pointed to the one in Louis' hand. "And prep you for the small procedure that you are having in a few minutes."

"Am I being sedated?" He asked.

"No. There is no need to, as it's quick and almost painless. It's just sterile, so that's why it's called a procedure. Plus it's in a special room that is sterile." Sarah said as she removed Louis' IV in his hand. "Do you have any pain?"

"No, just achy." She nodded. "And I can walk with the knee brace correct?"

"Yes you can, just take it easy until the brace comes off. So walk only if you need to and ice the knee at least once a day to keep the swelling down." He nodded as Sarah finished up. "Alright, another nurse will come and get you in a few minutes to bring you to the room. The procedure itself will take about 15 minutes and your arm might be achy after, but that's totally normal."

"Okay thank you." Louis said and Sarah left. I sat down on the bed beside him and took his hand. He lifted his head up and smiled at me.

"Gosh you're so cute." I said and he blushed again.

"Kiss?" He asked and I nodded. He brought his hand up to cup my cheek as I leaned in and captured his lips in a gentle kiss. We pulled back after a knock on the door. He was flustered and it was adorable.

"Ready to go Louis?" The nurse asked and he nodded.

"I'll be here." I said and he nodded. I kissed his cheek once he got into the wheelchair and was whisked off to his procedure.

Will it ever end? - A Larry Stylinson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now