Chapter 15

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Louis POV

I was hoping with all my heart that Harry got my note because that was all the hope I had left. I obeyed Jake for the rest of my trip to, surprisingly, a bar. It looked pretty abandoned when we walked in front of it and up to the door.

Jake knocked a secret code of about 3 knocks and we stood waiting. Eventually the door opened to someone I somewhat recognized. It was one of Jake's friends from that night at the bar who hurt me. Jake still doesn't know that though.

"Jake." He said and I stood silent.

"Emmet." Jake said and nodded. The guy, who I now knew as Emmet, moved to the side and let us inside. The bar inside was kind of dirty and old, but it had a small kitchen in the corner, along with a twin sized bed. There was a locked staircase in the opposite corner that led to an attic above. I guessed I was staying up there.

The bar closest to the door was loaded with alcohol ranging from the easiest kinds of stuff, to the hard stuff. Jake shoved me to where the locked staircase was and pulled out a key. I guess I was right. He led me up the stairs and it looked pretty similar to my situation in my basement back at the house. An old mattress laid on the floor and there was a locked box in the corner with what I assumed and what Jake likes to call "toys".

"Sit." He said coldly and I obeyed, sitting on the mattress. He took my hands and tied them to the plumbing pipe that was exposed in the wall. My hand still hurt a lot, but I'm glad I wrapped it because if I didn't, it would be a lot worse.

He left me there and went back down to the bar. I assumed he was trying to let me build trust by not gagging me. I wanted to let Harry have as much time as possible to find me, so I was going to cooperate with him.

He came back up about 5 minutes later with a bottle of I assumed vodka in his hand and another tie for what I assume is my ankles. And I was correct and he tied my ankles to the pip as well and I was still sitting on my arse when He came over and put his hand around my throat.

"Drink!" He shouted as he shoved the bottle in my mouth. I refused to swallow it. He shoved me off and huffed.

"Jake you know that shit triggers my epilepsy. I can't-" He shoved the bottle back in my mouth and went down my throat, almost choking me. I ended up swallowing half of the bottle and I knew this was going to be bad for my seizures.

"That's the whole point." He said and I looked at him.

"Are you crazy?" He said and smirked, before untying my hands and taking them in his own and squeezed them. I whimpered in pain from my broken right wrist. It only caused him to squeeze harder. He finally let go and took the vodka and left.

I unwrapped my wrist to investigate the damage and my wrist started to swell a lot more than already was and I think one of the bones in my hands was displaced just from the pain alone. Although I was pretty used to the pain at this point. Plus having half a bottle of vodka in my system, it numbed the pain pretty well. I ended up falling asleep at one point.

3rd Person POV

Louis was passed out on that old mattress when Jake came back up with his blindfold, his gag and Emmet. It was almost 9 pm and Jake was going to have some fun before Emmet went home.

Louis' eyes fluttered when Jake approached him and was quite drunk. That made him more susceptible to seizures however, but Jake clearly didn't care as he shoved more alcohol down Louis' throat without warning.

"Jake stop please!" Louis pleaded, but Jake didn't stop until the full bottle was empty. He threw the bottle in the corner and it shattered. Jake pulled Louis to his feet after Emmet untied his ankles. Jake held him by his throat while Emmet placed the blindfold and his gag on.

They cut his shirt and pants off. They retied Louis' hands behind his back and threw him onto the ground. They went to pick him up again, but suddenly his body started convulsing and Jake just rolled his eyes.

"For fucks sake." Jake said and Emmet sat in shock.

"What the hell?" He said. "Get the fuck up. Stop doing that." Emmet started kicking Louis, but Jake stopped him and rolled Louis on his side and removed his gag.

"Jake what are you doing?" Emmet shouted and Jake just ignored him. "Hey!" He said and pulled Jake up by his collar, but Jake kicked Emmet in the balls and he fell to the ground.

"He's got epilepsy or some shit. He gets seizures. Alcohol triggers it, which I don't really care about, but I don't want him to die. At least not yet." Emmet nodded as he stood up again and Louis' seizure came to a stop.

Jake and Emmet went back to what they were going to do before Louis' seizure. They beat him pretty badly and he started seizing again when they were finishing up and retying him to the bed. They left him to seize and went back downstairs.

Louis POV

I woke up and had a massive headache and I was hurting all over. I sat up and realized I was tied to the pole by my feet, but at least I could use my hands. I wrapped my hand a little tiger, hoping to keep the swelling of my hand down, which was doing really well. Well it was doing well at least.

I tried to evaluate my injuries and there was a new pain in my right knee and saw it was quite bruised, but it didn't feel broken. My injuries consisted mostly of bruises and cuts that weren't too severe. I'm pretty sure I had two seizures, but honestly it didn't surprise me by the amount of alcohol I was forced to consume.

My epilepsy was going to get worse and it scared me as they clearly didn't care. I needed either a hospital or at least my medication in order for it to be controlled a little bit. I was still a little out of control, but he didn't rape me or anything, so that was probably to come soon.

I slept most of the night and was woken up by Jake slapping my face and I eventually opened my eyes and jumped slightly.

"Morning Lou" He said with a fake cheery voice. He started feeding me who knows what and handed me a large cup. I could smell the alcohol coming from it and made a sour face at it, which caused Jake to laugh.

"You are going to drink all of it Louis." He said with a smirk. "Don't make me force you." I nodded and started to drink it slowly, but he tilted it back so it came faster. I was trying to keep up and not choke on it. I ended up swallowing it down in about a minute.

"Good!" He said and took the plate and cup back downstairs. I had no idea what was in that drink, but I already started to feel the effects, so it led me to believe that he had spiked it with something other than alcohol.

Jake came back up after 5 minutes and I was pretty out of it. He untied my feet and turned me over so I was on my back. He slid his hand into my boxers and started stroking me. I knew what he was doing, but my body didn't have any way to stop him as I was too out of it.

He ended up rapnig me like I said, but again I couldn't do anything about it. After about an hour of him torturing me, he handed me another cup, again filled with alcohol. There was a lot of it and I didn't want to swallow it as I was already too out of it.

"Come on, drink up Lou-Lou." I shook my head and saw the anger turn in his eyes. He shoved me so I was up against the wall and shoved the cup in my mouth and the alcohol down my throat. I almost choked, so he stopped and I started coughing. He closed my mouth and whispered in my ear.

"Do not throw it up. I'll hurt you and your precious little friends." I nodded as I caught my breath and finished the rest of the alcohol.

This went on for the next few hours. Either him or Emmet would come up every hour on the dot and force me to drink a large cup of alcohol. I don't really remember much of what happened as the day went on. I just wanted it to end. 

Will it ever end? - A Larry Stylinson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now