Chapter 10

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Dear Piece of Paper I found on the floor,                                                                                        Day 1

So I survived overnight, but my ass is really sore. Jake came back later last night and found I took the butt plug out, so he put it back in and tied me to the bed so I couldn't take it out. I had to deal with it all night, so I didn't really sleep.

This morning he came and brought me breakfast which was nice, although it was only a granola bar and a small cup of water. He said he'd be back in about four hours, so it gave me time to write now.

I was scared of what he was going to do, as I knew he was capable of probably killing me, so why hasn't he done it yet, I don't know. Also I'm nervous about my epilepsy as I didn't take my medication last night or this morning, so it'll get bad in about 2 days.

I heard Jake talking to some girl last night, and he said that he'll have some fun with me tonight and tomorrow, so now I'm just waiting for him to come down, which probably won't be til tonight.

Harry will start to get worried when I don't text him at night, so he'll probably come over and try to talk to me or take me out, but Jake will probably come up with some lame excuse, like I'm sick or I went out or some shit. So you know what, I'll write to him now.

Harry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. You were right, Jake isn't good for me and you've been right about everything, from the beatings to more horrible things that Jake doesn to me. I wish I could have told you, but I just don't want you to get hurt.

I'm in love with you Haz. Always have been, but Jake told me when we first started dating that you didn't feel the same way and treated me like he did. But I've realized he doesn't love me. He just wants to use me for sex and the only reason he is kind to me is because then the sex will be easier.

I wish I could be there with you now. We could be married, living our lives, maybe even have a kid, but no I'm stuck in this hell for god knows how long. I don't even have a job, so what the hell am I gonna do if I ever get out of here? Gosh I don't know

What I do know is that if I make it out of here alive, I'm going to tell you that. You've always been there for me and I wish that I could say the same for me, but I can't. I've been shit to you these past few years, but you've stuck by me. I'll make it up to you, but get me out of here please.

I think my wrist is sprained, or broken, as I was thrown down the stairs last night and it'll probably never heal properly if I'm not out in a few days. I've also got quite a few bruises, but those are manageable. I had a cut on my leg, but it's stopped bleeding for now, although not sure how long that'll last.

Shit I've got to go, Jake is coming downstairs now. Just promise that no matter what happens, you put Jake in jail for me. He's a bastard and deserves nothing. Oh yeah and I love you.

~ Louis

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