Chapter 17

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Harry POV

We were walking for almost 2 hours now and we are getting pretty tired. We decided to walk up and down the street one last time before heading home and I'm glad we did.

We walked past the small coffee shop on the corner and headed down where a couple of abandoned buildings stood. They seemed to be empty, although I was the first one to spot something hanging out of the old bar's window.

"Guys!" I said and they turned to me. I pointed to the window and they turned to look. "Does that say sos on it?"

"Possibly." Liam said and turned back to face me. "We can't just assume shit like that Haz."

"Liam come on, even if it isn't Louis, someone may be in trouble. The window is broken and it says sos. I think we should at least call the cops." I said.

"I agree with Haz, Li. What if someone is actually in trouble?" Liam sighed and eventually agreed.

"Fine, but we are letting the cops deal with it." I nodded as he took out his phone, but I took it from him and called the cops.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"Hi we are at one of the old abandoned bars and there is a flag hanging out of the second story window with sos on it. We think someone may be in trouble." The operator asked for the address and I recited it back to her.

"Does there seem to be anybody inside?"

"Not from the outside, but I mean it is abandoned, so maybe?"

"I have a few officers on the way. Don't approach the building, as it could be dangerous. I'll tell the officers to keep their sirens off."

"Thank you." I stayed on the line with the operator until the cops showed up, and then I hung up the phone after thanking her again. We watched the cops get out of their cars and observe the building for themselves until one of them approached us.

"Hi, I'm Officer Nick." He stuck his hand out and we all shook it. "You guys were the one that called this in?"

"Yeah we were just walking through town and that came up out of nowhere. It appears the window was broken, as if someone was trying to get a signal to someone." Liam said.

"It's possible, or it could just be a coincidence." He said, starting to turn away but I grabbed his shoulder and turned him back around.

"You are just going to leave it?" I said. "That wasn't there yesterday or this morning. Someone is clearly asking for help and you are just going to walk away?"

"Sir you need to back up-"

"No look." I said, taking a deep breath. "My best friend is missing and was taken by his psychopath boyfriend. What if that is him up there? If you guys don't at least check it out, then I will." I said, getting closer to the officer, but Liam and Niall held me back from punching this guy.

"Let me discuss with my fellow officers." He said and went back to his squad car and spoke into the radio.

"Haz you need to relax." I glared at Liam.

"We called this in for a reason. You told me to let the cops handle it and now they are thinking about just walking away from this! Like I told him, if they don't go in, I will." I shouted as the cop returned and Liam couldn't say anything.

"They are trying to get a warrant to search the building, but for now the only thing we can do is knock and see if they let us in." I nodded and he allowed us to follow him to the door.

"Police! Open up!" Officer Nick shouted and eventually the door opened just a crack to a red-head who was about the same height as me.

"Can I help you, officer?" He asked, still not opening the door all the way for us to see inside.

"We got reports of a distress signal on the second floor of your building. We are just trying to make sure everything is okay. Do you mind if we step inside?"

"Well I mean it's kinda private. This is my only place where I can stay. Do you have a warrant?"

"No we-"

"Then you aren't coming in." He said and then slammed the door. The officers walked away and we followed.

"We are hoping to have that warrant by tonight, so just be patient. We have your contact information, so we will inform you guys if we find anything suspicious."

"Thank you." I said, shaking the guy's hand. "And sorry for earlier."

"It's no problem. Have a good evening." We nodded and walked off. Now we had to wait for the officer to contact us with information.

Louis POV

I heard the conversation between Emmet and the officer and of course he would pull out that card. The one where they need a warrant in order to search the place. I was probably going to get it from either him or Jake. Or most likely, probably both.

I heard the lock on the stairs unlock and footsteps coming up the stairs. I was basically preparing myself for the worst, but I had to hold out until they could finally come save me.

"What the fuck did you do?" Jake asked, pulling me up by my collar and holding me against the wall.

"I don't know what you are talking about" I spat and he threw me to the ground and my knee twisted more. Great I thought.

"Jake." Emmet said as he pulled the small piece of cloth from the window and that's when he noticed the window was broken. "It says SOS on it."

Jake went over to investigate the cloth himself and after he saw what I did, it's like his eyes turned dark. He whispered something to Emmet and Emmet smirked and went downstairs. Then he came over to me.

"Why the fuck would you do that?!" He shouted and shoved me back, so my back was on the hard concrete floor and he was straddling me. Then Emmet came back up with a bottle of who knows what and handed it to Jake. He shoved it in my mouth and forced me to swallow just like all the times before. I was probably still a little drunk from all the alcohol this morning.

"Good boy." He said once I finished it all and I started coughing. I was pretty sure the bottle was spiked just by the salty taste in it. I ended up passing out a few minutes later and that's all I can remember.

Harry POV

The officer came back over to the bar after a few hours and we were still waiting here. He approached us.

"We have a warrant." I smiled. 

Will it ever end? - A Larry Stylinson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now