Chapter 22

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Louis POV

It was the first day of being on my new antibiotics. A doctor that specializes in sexually transmitted diseases came to talk to me about the antibiotics and how I can go home with them in a few days as long as I keep my IV in and clean. Of course I'd need help, but he said they can show the other boys how to hook up the meds and take care of the IV site. Honestly I didn't care as long as I got to go home.

The previous night went amazing. I slept without being woken up and it was the first good night sleep I've had in awhile. Harry went home that morning supposedly to "prepare" his flat for me to live there, but I think he just wanted to go home, which was fine. Later this morning my mum was coming, but first the nurse came in.

"Good morning Louis." She said as she placed her clipboard on the side table and began to check over my vitals. "How are you feeling this morning? Any symptoms from the antibiotics to report?"

"Nope!" I said. "I slept through the night for the first time in a long time." The nurse smiled and unhooked the current antibiotics. I'm currently getting them 3 times a day and she came earlier that morning to start them, so now I don't have to have them until lunch.

The nurse finished checking over all my injuries and my vitals, telling me I looked really good considering it had only been 2 days.

"So you seem to be doing fine. We have 2 officers coming by later for you full statement, as it was rescheduled from yesterday." I nodded.

"What am I supposed to say? Like do I tell my entire story from when I started dating him, or what?" The nurse chuckled slightly and I felt embarrassed by my question.

"They'll tell you this, but with my experience of abuse victims, it's usually the past few weeks. 'When it got bad' per say." I nodded as she continued. "Just explain when you noticed a shift and then once they gather enough evidence to convince the judge that it's been longer than just these past few weeks, then your abuser will get his sentence. Okay?"

"Yeah thanks. Is it possible to have someone in the room with me while I explain it all?" The nurse gave me a sad smile.

"Usually not, as they don't want anybody's influence on what you say, but they can be right outside and they understand that what you have gone through was traumatic, so they are lenient and kind. They allow breaks and allow you to take all the time you need."

"Okay. Thank you so much." She nodded.

"Of course. And your mum is waiting for you in the hall. Can I send her in?"

"Sure!" I said. She nodded and left for the hallway. Then my mum appeared.

"Hi sweetheart" She said as she sat on the chair next to me. The nice thing about my mum is that she was a nurse so she knew how to take care of my IV, so if I ever needed anything when I went home, she would help me. "How you feeling?"

"Kinda sore, but better than yesterday. Think these antibiotics are definitely helping." I said.

"That's great." She said. "But they can give weird symptoms sometimes, so just keep an eye on it okay?"

"What kind of symptoms?"

"Depends on the person, but I've seen tremors, headaches, lightheadedness, sensitivity to loud noises, just to name a few. Just let the nurses or when you are home, me, if you discover any weird symptoms, okay?" I nodded and she smiled.

"Am I keeping this IV, cause it seems a little flimsy to keep this in for two weeks." She shook her head.

"If I had to guess, they will probably put in a central line in your arm, closer to your bicep. Those are for longer term patients and for people who go home and give themselves their own medications."

Will it ever end? - A Larry Stylinson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now