Chapter 28

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Harry POV

Honestly, Louis is amazing. I really, really wish that I confessed my feelings for him earlier because maybe he wouldn't have had to go through all that pain.

He's been doing really well. He's on his last week of antibiotics and he's been really on edge since our last date at the park a couple days ago. I'm not sure why and he won't exactly tell me. He tells me that he's fine and just stressed about his new job, but I don't believe him one bit.

He got a simple job at a bar, working the front, taking tables and basically being a waiter. He doesn't really like it, but he likes that he is working and "contributing" to the house, even though I've told him multiple times that he doesn't need to worry about paying rent or any shit like that, but he wants to, so I let him. Not pay rent though, it's a fricken house, so I let him contribute to groceries and other essentials like that.

I finally finished writing that song I told him about. I showed him two lines of the chorus, but that was it because it's going to be a surprise for him. I actually recorded it on my phone and sent it to Liam and Niall, who I'm meeting up with today as I haven't seen them in a while. Louis will be at work, and I'm picking him up after.

"Hey lads!" I said as I walked into the small cafe where we were meeting.

"Hey Haz!" Liam said, standing up and giving me a hug. "How's Lou?"

"He's good. Started a job, which is good. He's been kinda distant the last week though and I can't figure out why."

"Have you asked him?" Niall asked.

"Of course I have, but he tells me he is fine, but I know him. He's definitely not fine, but I can't find anything that might be wrong with him."

"What about his job?" Liam asks as Niall gets up to get us some food and drinks.

"He's working at a bar, basically as a waiter. He's told me he likes it, so I don't think it's that. Plus he is on his last week of antibiotics, so I mean he should be happy right?"

"There is clearly something going on that he doesn't want you to know. He should be able to trust you, but with his past, he has trust issues so he may not feel comfortable talking to you at the moment."

"But I want him to. He can trust me!" I shout slightly.

"I know that and you know that, but he might not know that, so you need to tell him and let him know that you are here for him and that he can trust you with anything. I think he just needs that reassurance every once and a while, you know?"

"Yeah I guess." It's silent until Niall returns with some tea for all of us and a few biscuits to snack on. We make small talk for a while until I decide to bring up the song that I want to surprise Louis with.

"I finished the song." I say.

"That's great! I listened to it and I think he'll love it." Niall says, Liam agrees with a nod of the head.

"Thanks. Maybe I'll take him out on Friday and we can-" Suddenly my phone starts to ring and I realize it's Louis. He has about an hour of his shift left and I assume he may have gotten out early. "Sorry, it's Lou. Give me one minute."

I stand up and head outside and quickly answer the phone.

"Hey Lou! What's up?"

"Umm hi this is Jeff, Louis' manager. He just had a seizure and he asked me to call you before it started to happen. His seizure stopped but he's wet himself I believe, so I think it's a good idea if you came and picked him up."

Will it ever end? - A Larry Stylinson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now