Chapter 39

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A/N: I know these chapters have been shorter, but I've been quite busy these past few weeks, so I apologize for that. I'll try to make this chapter longer, but no promises atm. But enjoy it anyway!

Harry POV

It was finally the following morning when Louis would be pulled out of the anesthetic. He had two more seizures between 3 am and now, which is about 9 am. It was heartbreaking to watch him seize, especially after the surgery that is supposed to help with his seizures.

"Good morning Harry!" Dr. Ash said as she walked into the room, checking over Louis' vitals quickly. "It seems that Louis is starting to breathe over the ventilator, which is a good thing, so we will be pulling him out of the remaining anesthesia this morning. I'll just grab a few nurses and be back. Oh and Jay is on her way up."

"Thanks doc, really appreciate it." She nodded and left. A few minutes later, Jay walked in. She went to Louis' side and kissed his cheek, before coming over to me to do the same.

"How's he doing this morning?" She asked.

"He's doing well. Planning on pulling him out of anesthesia, Dr. Ash said she'd be right back." I explained, moving over to Louis' side.

"That's good." She said, sighing in relief. "Was last night okay?"

"Not great." I said. "He had 3 seizures when they started giving him the medication to wake him up. They had to call Dr. Ash around 2 am to make her come in. He's fine now and hasn't had a seizure in a few hours."

"Glad I wasn't here. Probably would have freaked out on someone." She said, laughing a little bit.

"Alright." Dr. Ash said, coming back into the room with two nurses trailing her. "We are going to give him some pain medication and some other meds to help pull him out of the anesthesia. Once he starts to respond, we will take out his breathing tube and begin the recovery process."

We nodded in consent to begin, as she did what she said she was going to do. One of the nurses injected the two medications, as the other nurse began to set up to extract the breathing tube.

After only a few minutes, Louis began to respond and move slightly, like he was waking up. He started moving his arms to reach up for the tube, but luckily the nurse and the doctor worked quick enough to pull out the tube.

Louis began to cough and sputter as the nurse placed an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. He was mumbling soft sounds of pain and discomfort. Once it was clear, Dr. Ash allowed Jay and I to go to his side.

"Hey it's alright Lou, just try to relax." Jay said and I rubbed one of my hands through his hair, as I held onto his hand with my other hand. Jay was holding his right hand and I was holding his left.

"You're okay baby, just breathe." I said and he began to calm down a little, so the nurse removed the oxygen mask and he finally opened his eyes.

"There he is." I said smiling and he looked at me with a pained expression.

"It h-hurts." He whispered.

"Where is your pain Lou?" Dr. Ash said coming over to Louis' side, having Jay move to the side I was standing on.

"My h-head." He said, starting to tear up quite a bit. "It hurts a lot."

"Alright we gave you some pain meds, so hopefully they will kick in soon." Dr. Ashe explained as she watched Louis' pulse and blood pressure jump.

"Did it work?" He asked, volume still at a whisper.

"It was successful, yes. The device was turned on last night, so hopefully it'll start to do its job. You'll stay in the ICU for about a week or so to be sure there are no issues. You aren't in pain anywhere else?"

"No, but." He said, taking a deep breath, getting teary eyed again. "I can't really move my right arm." Dr. Ash quickly took hold of Louis' hand.

"When I let go of your arm, try to hold it in the air for me." Louis nodded and tried to do as told. He was able to hold it a little bit, but after a few seconds, it fell to the bed.

"I can't." Louis said, slightly frustrated. "What's wrong with me?"

"Okay so at the end of the surgery Louis, your blood pressure shot up and we discovered you had a TIA or a ministroke. You seem to be having temporary paralysis on the right side of your body, which makes sense as we were working on your left-"

"What?" Louis said, sitting straight up in bed, wincing when he moved his head.

"Hold on, calm down. You need to be lying down resting." Dr. Ash explained.

"I'm paralyzed?!" He almost shouted.

"Temporarily. And it's only partially on your right side. This was one of the risks, but it's totally treatable with some basic physical and occupational therapy for the week you are going to be here. It's going to be okay, I promise."

"Can you give us the room for a second?" I asked and Dr. Ash nodded. Jay kissed Louis' cheek and left the room with Dr. Ash.

"Lou, it's going to be okay. It's not that-" I began, but Louis cut me off.

"No!" Louis suddenly shouted. "You were the one who convinced me to get this stupid surgery and now I'm still having seizures and now I'm paralyzed on my right side, which by the way is my dominant side, so what the hell am I supposed to do?"

"Lou come on-"

"No, don't call me that!" He said as he tried to sit up, which proved to be difficult due to his temporarily weakened state.

"Look this isn't the worst thing that could have happened. You could've died, yes it's rare, but it could've happened. And you're still having seizures because your body has to adjust to the device before the seizures start to regulate. And you'll be fully healed from this paralysis by next week. That's what the doctors said."

"Why does this have to happen to me?" He said, starting to cry suddenly. "He said it was 15% chance that I could have a stroke or a TIA or whatever the fuck it was called. Out of a small 15% chance, it happened to me. I can never catch a break, can I?"

I sighed. After all he's been through, honestly no he can never catch a break.

"I know. Your life hasn't been the greatest and this just adds to that. And I'm sure you're tired of everything. First Jake, then being kidnapped, then your seizures getting worse, then the surgery. Yeah life sucks, but I'm here, your family is here, you friends, are all here to support you. I'm not going anywhere if you'll let me stay."

I thought that if I'm going to do this at any point, I better do it now, because what's a better time. I got out of my chair, pulled the black velvet box out of my jeans pocket and got down on one knee. He looked at me in shock and looked ready to cry and I hoped they were tears of joy.

"Look I was going to wait until your seizures were better and this whole surgery ordeal was over with, but I thought what's a better time to do this then now when you need my full support in knowing that I'm not going anywhere. I love you and always have. So I'm hoping you'll let me take your hand in marriage. So...." I took his hand, kissing it gently before,

"Louis William Tomlinson, will you marry me?"

There was a moment of silence before he was shaking his head yes before he burst out sobbing and reaching for me. I got up and pulled him into my arms. I pulled back after a minute and slipped the ring onto his finger.

"Thank you. Oh my gosh, thank you!" He said, pulling my arm so I was closer to him so he could hug me again. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too, now let's get through this together, shall we?" He nodded and we laid in bed together, him admiring his ring and eventually falling asleep with a smile on his face. 

Only one more chapter then the epilogue, so enjoy ;D

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