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A/N: New story! Just a short introduction on the main characters in this story and approximately what to expect, character wise, in this story. Enjoy!


My name is Louis Tomlinson and I'm 22 years old. I've got a lot of problems, mentally and physically. I have severe anxiety and am constantly worrying about every little thing. Also I have epilepsy, which causes me to have seizures and my anxiety is a big trigger, so the two together is not the best combination. Most of the time, my seizures are absent and only last a few seconds, but there are some moments, like a few times a week, where I have a full blown grand mal seizure, which can get pretty violent. Speaking of violence.

I'm currently in a relationship with Jake Brown and have been for the past 3 years. The first two years were good, but I quickly figured out that Jake has anger issues. The first time he hit me wasn't a big surprise and I honestly expected him to do it earlier. He started threatening me when I told him that I didn't want our relationship anymore. He threatened my friends and family, so now I just suffer.


Jake Brown, 26, supposedly has anger issues, but that's totally not true. Got a boyfriend Louis, who never does anything I ask for, plus he has these seizures which totally get in the way of everything that we try to do. They are annoying. He knows what happens when I get angry, but he doesn't care. Don't worry, I love him though.


I'm Harry Styles and I'm 20 years old. I'm Louis' best friend and maybe a little something more as I've had feelings for him for years. Of course when he said that he was in a relationship with Jake, I was happy for him, but after years passed, I could tell something changed inside of him. He's not his old self and he's very secretive. He barely comes out of the house, and when he does, Jake is right beside him.

Me, Niall, and Liam believe that there is something going on, but Louis continuously reassures us that he is fine and constantly blames his epilepsy or his anxiety on how he feels or his injuries. Yes, his injuries. The few times he hangs out with us alone, he always has random bruises, but he blames it on his seizures. The other lads believe him, but I still think there is something going on and I'm going to figure it out and help him. 

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