Chapter 16

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Harry POV

A day had passed since I found the note at the coffee shop and the police weren't very much help. They had gone to most of the buildings in the town except for a few that were abandoned. Wherever Jake took Louis, they were probably long gone by now.

We went back to my flat with Liam and Niall. They were worried about Louis, but they were more worried about me and my health as I wasn't doing the best to take care of myself at the moment.

I had started only eating about once a day as I was too worried and afraid that I would get sick if I ate anything more than that. I don't really sleep at night because when I do end up closing my eyes, I have nightmares about what Jake is possibly doing to Louis and how scared he must be.

The boys ended up calling my mum last night and I'm scared for what she is going to say about what has been going on with me the past few days. I heard the front door open and my mum's voice echoing through the house and up the stairs. I eventually heard footsteps coming up, but I was too lazy to get up from my curled up spot on the bed.

A soft knock came at the door.

"Harry?" My mum said, gently opening the door. I was already crying and when she came over, I broke down even further. "Oh Harry, darling."

I just continued to sob as she pulled me into her arms. I cried into her shoulder for a few minutes until my sobs finally died down. I pulled away and tried to give her a sad smile, but she could tell something was off.

"What's going on darling?" She asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't know." I whispered and she just sighed.

"I know you are worried about Louis, but it's out of our control right now. We have to let the police do their thing." I nodded. "The boys told me some things about you. You aren't taking care of yourself sweetheart."

"I-I am." I argued and she shook her head.

"Harry, they told me you aren't eating and you aren't sleeping. You have to take care of yourself."

"No you don't understand!" I shouted, quickly apologizing after. "I'm scared I'll get sick if I eat because I'm too god damned worried about Louis and whether or not he is actually alive right now!"

"I know you are hun, but you need to calm down and remember to look after yourself." I nodded and put my head in my hands.

"Let's go get something to eat downstairs, okay?" I nodded and took her hand and allowed her to lead me down the stairs. I saw Niall and Liam as I sat down at the table.

"You alright Haz?" I nodded and ate whatever my mum decided to make for me. I just hoped Louis was okay.

We all ate some lunch and made small talk. Niall and Liam talked mostly about what they have been up to, as they haven't seen my mum in a while. They tried to get me to talk too, but I mostly just stayed quiet and nodded.

After lunch Niall asked if I could talk with him outside and of course I said yes. I put on a hoodie, which happened to be one of Louis' that he left at my house a while ago and went outside to meet Niall.

He was sitting on my porch swing and tapped the empty space next to him. I smiled and sat right next to him. We stayed silent for a while until he finally spoke up.

"You love him." He said out of the blue and I looked down at my lap and stayed quiet. "Am I right?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." I said as I adjusted the hoodie. He eyed the hoodie suspiciously and sighed.

"You are wearing his hoodie Haz." He said, looking out to the yard.

"We are best friends. We can wear each other's hoodies." He chuckled and then realized I was being serious.

"Haz the way you look at him and the way you care for him." He sighed. "It's very obvious."

"Okay fine, you caught me." I said after a minute. "I've loved him for a while now, but then he got with Jake and I was like oh my chance with him is over. I don't even know if he feels the same way." That made Niall laugh.

"You know that's funny because he told me back in high school that he liked you." I looked at him with wide eyes. "But like you said, he got with Jake and has been that way ever since." I nodded.

"He actually liked me back?" I asked.

"Yes of course!" He shouted slightly. "I can bet when, yes I said when, we get him back, I'm sure he'll feel the same way. Trust me." I nodded. Then Liam poked his head out the back door.

"Did you still want to go to that search party Niall? And you can come too if you want Haz?"

"Um yea sure. Who else is coming?" I asked Liam as we both stood up.

"Just us for now. I think a few others are joining us tomorrow." I nodded and we went back to that small town to hopefully try to find Louis or at least find some clues to where he may be.

Louis POV

It was now the afternoon and Jake trusted me enough to not keep me tied up, so I was hanging out by the tiny window. I watched the streets and the people who had absolutely no idea I was practically being tortured up here.

I stayed at the window for about 2 hours and I almost went to walk to the old mattress that sat in the corner, until I saw Liam, Niall and Harry walking down the street. I decided right then and there that I was going to try and create some sort of distress signal to tell them that I was in here.

I decided to break the small window using my elbow, which was probably the strongest part of my body. After 2 hits, it shattered and I cut my arm, but that's alright. There was a few things in the corner and the box with all the "toys" was left open, so I used some of that to make a red flag to stick out the window.

I used some other stuff to write SOS on it, which hopefully someone would catch onto and see. I'm just hoping it's enough. 

Will it ever end? - A Larry Stylinson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now