Chapter 26

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Sorry it's late! I kinda forgot that I update on Saturdays! Enjoy!

Harry POV

It was a few days later and I decided that I was going to take Louis out on a proper date, since we haven't exactly had the time to go out just by ourselves. We confessed our feelings for each other while he was still in the hospital, so we never got to actually "date", we kind of just went into a relationship, which is fine, but I thought I should treat him.

I did his meds for him this morning while he was still sleeping to allow him the sleep that he needs as I have a day planned for us. I was downstairs making some tea when I heard the alarm go off for the meds, indicating that they were finished. I quickly went up to find Louis already sitting up, turning off the alarm.

"Sorry, I kind of forgot that the alarm went off that loudly." I said, chuckling. He smiled and shook his head.

"No it's okay, I was like half awake when you set it up, but I clearly fell back asleep. Plus it's almost noon, so I should get up." I nodded as he removed the covers. "Thanks though."

"Of course." I sat next to him and he snuggled into my side. "You are cuddly this morning."

"I just didn't really have this affection for Jake and I kind of just assumed that was normal, but now that I've realized it's not, I love it."

"Oh I know you do." He smiled at that. "Now I have plans for us today, you okay with that? Like a proper date?"

"Is that how you are going to ask me?" He sassed.

"Okay fine." I laughed. "Would you like to go out on a date with me Lou?"

"Of course I would." He kissed my cheek. "Where are we going?"

"Ah now that is a surprise." I said, standing up, which earned a pout from him.

"Hey you were comfy!" He shouted slightly.

"Sorry boo, but we have plans to get to, so go shower and meet me downstairs. My tea is getting cold." I said and left the room. I could imagine him laughing at me as soon as I closed that door.

About 15 minutes later, Louis made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen. I handed him a freshly made cup of tea as the one I started to make earlier got cold like I said.

"Thank you love." He sat down at the breakfast bar beside me and we sat in silence drinking our tea. "Are you gonna tell me where we are going now?"

"Nope" I said, popping the 'p' at the end.

"Can you give me a hint at least?" He asked as we both put our shoes and jackets on.

"Sure." I said, smirking. "It's a date, with me, right now." I winked as I led him to the car.

"Oh come on please?" He pleaded with his adorable bright blue eyes, but I just shook my head and he pouted. He crossed his arms as I began the drive.

Louis POV

After about half an hour, we came across what looked like just a forest, but I trust Harry, so I got out of the car and followed him into the forest.

"You're not gonna kill me right?" I joked and he laughed.

"No of course not!" He said as we approached an opening in the trees. There was a blanket with a picnic basket lying in the beautiful opening in the trees. It was a beautiful sight and I loved it. There was also what looked to be a treehouse in one of the farther trees.

"Is that a treehouse?" He nodded as he led me to the blanket and we sat down. "I love this Haz."

"I knew you would." He opened the basket and pulled out an assortment of foods, along with a small bottle of sparkling water.

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