Chapter 38

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Double Update! Yay!

Harry POV

After my little breakdown in the bathroom, I made my way back to Louis' room. There sat Jay, Niall and Liam all making small talk. I tried to make it look like I hadn't been crying, but apparently I didn't do a good job because Niall got up and gave me a hug.

"Oh Haz. It's going to be fine. He'll be alright." He said and I nodded.

"I know it's just-" I sighed. "He asked me to hold him while they put him under and feeling him go lax in my arms, knowing there was nothing I could do got me really emotional for some reason." I explained and they all nodded as Niall pulled away from me.

"Let's just distract ourselves for now until we get an update. How long did you say the surgery was going to take Jay?" Liam asked.

"I think the doctor said about 4 hours, but he won't wake up until tomorrow cause of the meds that he'll be on." We all nodded and continued making small talk.

Around the 2 hour mark, Niall and Liam had left, saying they would be back tomorrow morning to check on Louis. Then about 30 minutes later, a nurse came into the room with a clipboard and a pen in her hand.

"Is he okay?" Jay asked immediately and the nurse chuckled a little, which made the atmosphere in the room a little less tense and stressful.

"He's doing very well. There is just one minor complication, in which I need your consent for a medication. His heart rate and blood pressure have been lingering around the higher range and for the past hour it's been considered high. We, and by we I mean the doctor and the anesthetist, have been discussing whether or not to give him this medication. It's a new one that helps regulate the heart rate and the blood pressure by causing his body to dilate his blood vessels. Basically we are allowing the blood in his body to flow easier, which in turn should decrease his blood pressure and his heart rate."

"There is no danger to this medication?" Jay asked, concern laced in his voice.

"There is a slightly higher chance for bleeding more, but it's a pretty low chance and there haven't been complications from any others using it. We would just need your consent." She handed Jay the clipboard and the pen.

Jay carefully read over the forms before signing her name, then printing it at the bottom of the form. She handed it back to the nurse and the nurse nodded, thanking us, then leaving the room.

Two more hours had passed and the four hour mark had gone out the window. It was now almost 5 hours since the surgery started and I was growing more and more anxious by the second.

"Harry, hun. You've got to relax." Jay said suddenly, bringing me out of my thoughts. I had just realized my leg was shaking, so I stopped and tried to relax, but nothing was working.

"Sorry, it's just they said it would be four hours and now it's been almost five." I explained and she nodded.

"I know, I'm nervous too, but the doctors know what they are doing. It'll be alright." I nodded and the silence took over us again.

Eventually, Louis' surgeon, the anesthetist, and the nurse from earlier came into the room. I was about to ask if he's alright, but the doctor put his hand up to stop me and began to speak.

"To start, Louis did great. He's up in the ICU on a vent, like we said he would be, and will remain that way at least until tomorrow. Once he's back to breathing on his own, we will give him the meds to wake up. Then recovery starts." The doctor explained, then the anesthetist started speaking.

"There was another complication." We nodded. "Right when we were finishing up, his heart stopped. We got it back and he's fine now, but we aren't sure why his heart suddenly just stopped like that. We are currently running tests to find, but until he wakes up, we won't know anything for sure. That's why he'll stay under 24/7 watch in the ICU until we find out what caused his heart to stop like that."

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