Chapter 27

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**I'll be busy this weekend, so you get an early update! Enjoy!

Louis POV

It's been 2 weeks and today I'm getting my PICC line removed. It's also been almost a week and a half since my last seizure, which is a new record for me. I usually have one or two a week, so this is great.

The last few weeks have been great, especially with Harry. I've honestly been so happy in the past few weeks then I've ever been. Our relationship is moving along as well as we have been on 2 dates since our first one, but they have been simple as I was still on my meds and stuff.

Harry goes back to work tomorrow and I told him I would start to look for a job as I feel bad just moving into his house. He said that he was paid enough to provide for the both of us, but still I don't want him to have to pay for everything and I don't want me to rely on him for money, plus when you are basically stuck in the house for two years, you want to go out and get a job to keep yourself busy.

"Lou?" He called as I just sat on the bed with my shoes and everything on. He was bringing me to the hospital so I can get this stupid line out of my arm. "You ready?"

"I'm coming." I yelled back. I grabbed my phone and the wallet Harry bought for me. Most of my stuff Jake kinda destroyed, so he offered to buy me new stuff, which I refused, but he ended up buying it anyway and I couldn't just turn him down. He bought me a new phone, which again I refused to use for 3 days and then he practically begged me to use it, so I did.

I headed down the stairs and found him waiting for me by the front door. He was putting his shoes on, so I snuck up behind him, but unfortunately he must have known I was there because he spun around at the last minute and picked me up, kissing all over my face.

"Alright, alright you win!" I said and he finally put me down.

"Sorry I couldn't resist." He said, grabbing the car keys. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah let's get this over with." He nodded and led me to the car. We began the 30 or so minute drive to the hospital listening to music.

"You know I started writing music again?" Harry said after about 10 minutes. I looked at him and nodded. He used to do some writing back in high school but stopped after he didn't get anywhere. He plays guitar and piano, and I have to admit he has a great voice.

"That's great! I loved when you did it in high school." He smiled and kissed my hand. "Have you written any full songs or no?"

"No not really. Mostly just like a verse here and there, although I have one chorus that I'm quite proud of."

"You'll have to show me." I said.

"What?" He said. "No, no, you can't see it till it's finished."

"Oh come on Haz. I want to see or hear what you are working on."

"Nope! Wait until I'm finished, then you can hear it. Maybe I'll let you see the lyrics, but I'm not showing you anything further."

"Ugh fine." I said and we sat in silence the rest of the way.

When we arrived at the hospital, I checked in and sat with Harry until a nurse finally called my name and we headed to the back. She took my vitals and some blood, then left us to wait for the doctor. I had to admit that I was a little nervous because it was a procedure and it would probably hurt. I hate being back in the hospital; it gives me flashbacks of what happened with Jake and the aftermath of me being in a hospital.

"You alright?" Harry asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I just don't like being back here." He nodded and sat down on the bed beside me.

"It's understandable, but it should be quick." I nodded and eventually the doctor came in.

"Good Morning Louis. How are you doing?" The doctor asked.

"I'm good. Glad to get this PICC line out though."

"Yes we will be doing that in a few minutes. It's pretty painless, more like discomfort than anything, but we have an analgesic that you can use for pain." I nodded as he continued. "Your blood tests show that the antibiotics are working, so we will continue you on oral antibiotics for three weeks."

"What happens after? Like I mean, okay this is going to sound embarrassing, but like can I have sex or whatever aftert he infection is gone?" I asked quietly, avoiding looking at Harry because it's kind of a private topic.

"Usually with this kind of infection, it goes dormant, meaning that it's still present in your body, but it's inactive. Similar to TB or tuberculosis. Infections can remain inactive for years or decades even before a new infection is present. But a new infection may never happen for your infection. 90% of the time, people don't get a reinfection with this and can practice safe sex practices. As long as precautions are used, then you shouldn't have a problem. To be sure your infection remains dormant I'd like to do blood tests every year for 5 years and then a blood test every year probably for the remainder of your life. This is just to be safe, so I think it'll be beneficial to you."

"Okay that's good. Thank you." He nodded and smiled.

"Alright great! Any other questions?"

"No. Can I get this out now?" He laughed.

"Yes of course. I'll do it right in this room. Let me grab a nurse first." I nodded as he left.

"Really Lou you had to ask about that?" Harry said.

"Oh come on. You weren't curious about it too?"

"I never said I wasn't, but I told you we aren't doing anything like that for a while."

"I know, but it's still good to know." I said quietly. "Maybe after 3 weeks?"

"Stop." He said laughing as the doctor and the nurse came back in.

"Ready?" I nodded. "Okay so I'll have you lay down. Harry can stay for this, so don't worry about that. Sarah here is going to give you this green whistle thing that you can suck on for pain. It shouldn't be too painful, but just in case. It'll make you feel a little floaty, so just focus on that while we do our thing."

The doctor began and I did as I was told and didn't really feel him do much. The only part I felt was when he actually pulled out the tube. It's a similar feeling to a shot when they pull it out, but the pain relief was doing wonders.

"Alright you are all set. You can sleep off the pain relief on your way home. Come see me in about 3 weeks and don't forget to pick up your antibiotics."

"Thank you doctor." Harry said because I was pretty out of it. "Come on Lou."

"I want to sleep, Haz." I said giggling. He ended up picking me up and I latched onto him like a child. He carried me to the car and I fell asleep quickly.

I woke up when I felt Harry picking me up when we arrived home. He carried me into the living room and placed me on the couch, while he put my medication in the kitchen cabinet with all the other meds.

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah I think so. Although that nap was amazing."

"That's good. Nice to have the IV out?"

"Oh yes very much so. I have like full mobility of my arm now, it's amazing."

"That's good. Want to watch a movie?"

"Sure. Which movie?"

"The Notebook?" He suggested.


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