Chapter 7

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Louis POV

I woke up the next morning to the house smelling very good. As I sat up in my bed, I noticed Jake's jacket and phone on the nightstand, so he came home very early this morning. I got up and put a hoodie on which just so happens to be one of Jake's and headed downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen to Jake wearing headphones and singing and dancing to whatever music he was listening to. I watched from the doorway for a minute before sneaking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist. He jumped and then turned around.

"Holy shit you scared me." I laughed and he pulled me in for a kiss.

"Sorry." I said, pulling away. "Didn't hear you come in last night?" I questioned as he handed me a plate of pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

"Yeah I went out and didn't come back till about 4:30am, so it was pretty late. I'll probably have to sleep sometime later because I'll definitely be tired.

"Yeah of course." I said, sitting down next to him. "Thanks for breakfast."

"Anytime babe." He smiled, digging into his.

After breakfast, we showered together. I wasn't necessarily interested, but he practically begged me to, so I agreed and it was actually nice. Nothing sexual, just how a normal couple would shower together. It was a nice change.

I headed downstairs after getting dressed to see Jake passed out on the sofa, so I got behind him and laid down myself, as I was quite tired as well. He moved slightly and turned towards me, before just barely opening his eyes.

"You tired?" He asked.

"A little. Woke around 3 am and couldn't really fall back asleep. Eventually did, cause I obviously didn't hear you." He chuckled and pulled me closer, even though it wasn't really possible to do so.

"Then sleep. I'll sleep too." I nodded and we both fell asleep for about 2 hours.

Around noon was when we both woke up again, so he decided to take me out to lunch. We both got ready and headed out the door. He took us to the diner that we always used to go to and got the same booth in the back.

"Good afternoon gentlemen. I'm Alyssa and I'll be taking care of you. Are you ready to order?" We both nodded and told her our orders. "Great, I'll be back with your drinks."

"Thank you." Jake said and we made small talk for a bit. Alyssa brought us our drinks and then I suddenly started to feel like I was going to have a seizure. Jake noticed right away for a change and spoke up about it.

"You're gonna have a seizure Lou?" He asked and I nodded, already being pretty out of it. "Okay let's get you on the floor then."

He helped me on the floor and it was going to be one of those seizures I get sometimes where I stay conscious and am aware of everything going on, but I can't move or talk or do anything about it. Most of the time these seizures just make me tense up and my hands shake slightly, but that's about it.

It took about 2 minutes for my seizure to be over and when I finally stopped tensing up, my body and muscles ached a lot, but that's pretty normal. Jake sat me up and tried to get me to say something before standing me up.

"You alright?" He asked.

"I'm just really achy Jake. But I think I'm okay. Can you help me stand? Oh and do you have those muscle relaxers?" He nodded and helped me stand and got me back into the booth, him sliding in next to me.

"Yes I do have those. Here you go." He handed me too and I took them with my water. I leaned into his shoulder while we waited for our food. He wrapped his one arm around my waist as he knew I was tired and hurting, so he was very gentle.

"Alright here is your food." Alyssa said, placing our plates in front of us. We thanked her for everything and she said she would be back to check on us in a bit.

"You alright to eat?" Jake asked.

"I think so." We began to eat and I realized I didn't have much of an appetite. I ate about a quarter of my food, then pushed it away and rested my head on the table. Jake rubbed my back and I pushed his hand off because if he continued I would fall asleep.

"Sorry, I just don't want to fall asleep right now." He nodded and quickly finished his food. He paid the check and guided me out to the car.

"Did you take your meds this morning?" I nodded.

"Yeah I did, but I mean I have seizures a couple times a week, so I'm not worried yet."

"I know Lou, but your seizures are getting kinda annoying." I looked at him with a glare as he began to drive away to our house.

"Jake you know I have a condition and I can't control it right? Yea I take medication and it makes it manageable, but I can't control when I can and can't have seizures."

"Yes I know that, but it ruins every single day we go out together. Can't we have one day where you don't have a seizure and we can act like a normal couple?" I had to hold in my laugh for that one because we were anything but a normal couple.

"Jake what the fuck? You know I can't do anything about that!" I shouted slightly and I could tell he was getting angry. We pulled into the driveway and we both got out of the car. I walked into the house and was waiting for the wrath of him to rain down on me, but luckily it didn't come, as he just walked into his office and slammed and locked the door.

I headed to the music room, in which I have a piano and a guitar that I like to play around with. I'm not the best with guitar, but I'm learning more and more songs. Also it seems to calm my mind when I play music and I've written a few songs already.

I play with the guitar for at least 2 hours and I start to write down new lyrics and a melody, but I don't get further than that. I ended up going up to the bedroom and taking out my phone. I saw that I had a text from Harry.

Hey Lou! Want to go to the park with me and the lads tomorrow?

I hesitated texting back, but Jake was being pretty nice and stuff, so I really wanted to go out with them.

Hey Haz! I'll go, just swing by my house around noon to pick me up.

He responded almost immediately, about 2 seconds later.

Sounds good! See you then!

I put my phone back in its hiding spot and laid down on the bed. I took my jeans off and ended up drifting off in just my t-shirt.

Sorry short chapter

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