Chapter 1

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As I stood on the roof observing the world around me, I couldn't help but envy the people below me. They were normal people with normal boring lives. Sometimes I wish I could disappear and start over. Get rid of my chains that get heavier with every job I do. But then I think of my brother, Kai. I think of my niece, Eri. I could not leave them. Suddenly I was shaken from my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see my brother Kai with his signature plague doctor mask on. Which only means it's time to go to work.

I quickly change into my assassin's uniform and head out with Kai. When we go out the back entrance, he hands me a picture of the target. A fat, balding man I immediately recognized as the 2nd richest man in Japan. An easy target. I looked back to Kai.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Tsk. You know I am." I responded.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them, they were glowing red. Red energy began to glow from my palms. Kai placed a hand on my shoulder, and we started to levitate. Soon we were flying towards the target's home. Within 10 minutes we arrive.

We land on the roof of the American-style mansion and soon make our way inside. To my surprise the home was empty. No guards, no dogs, no alarm system being tripped. I looked to Kai who seemed frustratingly confused.

"Maybe we should split up to look for the target." Kai whispers.

"No just give me a sec I'll find where the bastards hiding." I whisper back.

My quirk allows me to move objects with my mind without touching them. But recently I've discovered something new. I can extend my energy from my palms and make the energy more solid like smoke. It would then extend and help me find things that we're missing, or in this case things that were hiding.

The energy started expanded from my hands and turning into red smoke. Kai stepped back in amazement. Soon it dispersed in all directions sweeping the house for the target. The smoke came back and started forming a path in front of me.

"Told you I'd find him." I turned around to smugly look at my brother who was still in shock.

"Are you just going to stand there and look like an idiot? Or are we going to finish the job? I'm starting to get hungry." I teased. He scoffed and pushed past me to follow the trail.

"Wow no thank you. I just did all that work, and I didn't even get a thanks. I'm hurt Kai." I said pouting.

"Also why are you here with me instead of Chrono. You never come with me on jobs." It honestly confused me why he was there. He was now the boss ever since Father got sick. He did not have time to go on jobs with me like he used to. Though I was confused I didn't dare question it this morning when he decided to tag along. I missed my brother.

"You know not to refer to me by my name on jobs." Kai spoke harshly turning to glare down at me. I instantly froze in place. I hated when he spoke like that. It had become more common after father went comatose. He was always on edge, so I tried to make lighthearted jokes or use sarcasm to try and get him out of his funk but sometimes it backfired. After what seemed like forever he decided to speak again.

"I sent Chrono out on a mission, so I decided to accompany you instead." His voice was much softer now. His glare was gone and the tense aura around us started to disappear.

"I apologize Overhaul it won't happen again." I said through gritted teeth.

"Thank you for gracing me with your presence. You royal pain in my ass." I sarcastically muttered. I pushed past him and continued following the trail. Suddenly a large metal vault door came into view. I smirked and dispersed the smoke. I walked up to it and knocked.

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