Chapter 31

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I teleported back to a building near my apartment with Hawks.

"Thank you for getting me out of there." I stated. 

"No problem Y/N. I know you would do the same for me." He said warmly.

"No, I would have left you to fend for yourself." I said sarcastically. Hawks clenched his chest dramatically.

"I see my friendship means nothing to you." He said choked up, wiping his nonexistent tears. I began to laugh. He joined in.

"I should probably head home..." I began to say but was cut off by Hawks. He was no longer laughing, and he looked toward my apartment with an intense stare.

"What's wrong?" I asked turning in the direction he was looking. I could see two figures moving around in my apartment.

"Were you expecting company?" He asked. I suddenly remembered leaving Izuku at my apartment.

"I wasn't but I'm pretty sure it's my friend. He came to check up on me earlier. But I was panicked, and my power began to surge so I teleported to that place you found me so I wouldn't hurt anyone. I should be fine..." Hawks cut me off again.

"I can't see their faces but from their height and build those are grown men." He stated while expanding his wings out, about to take off. I stuck my hand out to stop him.

"I'll check it out. You can't exactly be stealthy with those things." I stated pointing at his wings.

"But Y/N what if..." He began but I cut him off.

"I'm just going to check. I'll be right back." I said before teleporting to the balcony. I hid next to my window and turned to peek in. Chrono and Kai were running around my apartment frantically looking for me. I teleported back.

"It's fine you can go. They are no threat to me." I told Hawks.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I promise. Thank you again." I said before teleporting to my apartment. Kai and Chrono turned around quickly, and both looked relieved at the sight of me.

"Oh, thank god you're okay." Kai huffed out before he ran to me and wrapped me in a hug. My apartment was a mess and blood stained my carpet from my forced transformation earlier. Kai pushed me away examining me.

"I was worried because I hadn't heard from you and you hadn't shown up yesterday at the compound like you always do. Then news of that pyscho being killed was all over the news and then those monsters. I-I thought the worst. And then when I come here your door was broken down, your apartment wass trashed, and there wass blood all over the floor. What the hell happened?" He asked quickly. I proceeded to tell him about everything that happened leading up to Stain's murder. 

"Well, I'm glad you weren't hurt by those monsters. Now mind telling me what happened with Stain?" He asked.

"He recognized me from TV and decided to pay a visit to me last week. I threatened him and I thought it worked until I found him in Hosu the night of the incident. He was trying to kill my friends. I wanted to end things. I wanted to bury him in my past and never look back. I took the easy way out and the sad thing is I don't regret killing him. I enjoyed watching him suffer." I said stopping to take a deep breath. Kai and Chrono waited for me to finish.

"Well, the reason my apartment is trashed is because there is a video going around online about the confrontation between Stain and some heroes but that wasn't all...the video also included me in it. Someone caught me on camera killing Stain. I was at the market when these boys started playing the video and it caused me to panic. I came here and began to lose control, so my demon form came forth involuntarily causing me to bleed. Then..." I stated, stopping when I heard quick footsteps running towards my apartment. There were two distinct sets of feet running closer. Kai and Chrono readied themselves to attack. I ran to them and grabbed them teleporting to the compound.

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