Chapter 18

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I woke up to find Eri cuddled against me. The sight made me smile. She was a perfect little angel. I stayed there for a few minutes enjoying the time I had with her. I got up from bed tucking the blankets around her. I looked at my phone and it was 4:15 am. I must have an internal alarm to wake my body up at this point. I tip-toed out of the room. I softly closed the door and made my way to my room. I'll get in a workout before I train with Kai later. I quickly changed and made my way to the gym. I passed by Kai's room and saw the lights were on. I knocked on the door.

"Who the hell is up this god damn early?" He said raspy. He must have just woken up.

"Well good morning to you too sunshine. It's me." I said before I opened the door. He was dressed in workout clothes sitting at his desk. He turned when I opened the door and softly smiled at me.

"Always so quick witted. Why are you up so early?" He asked.

"I always get up this early. I was about to ask you the same question." He rubbed the back of his head.

"I had to start getting up this early to get workouts in. I never have time to do them later in the day." He stated and I nodded in understanding.

"Well since you are up, want to go ahead and train?" I asked. He stood up and nodded. We made our way to the bunker and I used my quirk to open the door.

"Why was this door made so damn heavy? I'm the only one who can open the damn thing." I joked. Kai laughed at me.

"Actually, Rappa can open it now too." I put my hands up.

"Oh, I stand corrected." I laughed and Kai joined in. We stepped inside and I closed the door. I turned to Kai.

"So, what should we work on sensei." I said as I bowed my head to tease him.

"Shut up. You are way stronger than me now so you can't call me sensei." He laughed.

"Okay okay well you are still great at giving me guidance. So lay it on me my all knowing guru." I said sarcastically. He huffed in annoyance.

"How is it that you have so much energy this early in the morning?"

"I'm young unlike you old man."

"Old Man? Please! Lets do some hand-to-hand combat no quirks. See if you are still calling me an old man by the end of it." He cracked his knuckles.

"Oh you're on!" I walked a few feet away and turned going down in a fighting stance. I put my hand out in front of me motioning for him to come at me. I knew taunting always riled him up.

"You're going down Y/N!" He rushed at me and I easily dodged redirecting him in the process.

"You're getting slow in your old age." I laughed out. He ran at me again but before I could counter he sidestepped and grabbed my arm wrenching me to the ground face first. Damn okay, he is serious.

"Who is slow now?" I quickly grabbed the arm holding me and spun on the ground kicking his feet out from under him. I got up and stood ready to fight. He kicked himself off the ground. It was my turn to charge him. I jumped up wrapping my legs around his neck and throwing him to the ground. I landed on my feet and pinned his arms behind his back putting my knee in the center of his back. He tapped out and I helped him off the ground. This went on for a while each time ending in me being the victor. We stopped to catch our breaths.

"Damn maybe I am getting slow." He said catching his breath.

"You got that right." I laughed out. He stood up straight and looked at me.

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