Chapter 24

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Authors Note: This chapter is mostly just a filler before the Stain Arc but it does include plot information that's important. Also if you couldn't tell by the picture. Everyone's favorite bird man shows up in this chapter. Also enjoy the spicyish moment with Bakugo.


I was having dinner with Katsuki and Izuku's parents as well as the two boys. Their parents talked to us for a while but then decided to have their own conversation. Katsuki sat in silence while Izuku and I talked. He held my hand under the table never letting it go. He was being too quiet and Izuku noticed it too.

"I'm sorry Katsuki we were just absorbed in our conversation I didn't mean to leave you out." I said softly to him squeezing his hand in mine. He looked at me and smiled.

"It's okay." He said quietly.

"Kacchan that was amazing what you did in the festival in your fight with Y/N. Your reflexes are even sharper now..." Izuku began but stopped when Katsuki glared at him. I frowned at him and poked him in his side causing him to jump. Oh, I wonder if he is ticklish. I'll have to find out later.

"Please don't do that. Izuku is trying to compliment you." I said quietly.

"It's okay Y/N I'm used to it that's just how Kacchan is. At least he isn't yelling at me or threatening to kill me." Izuku stated nervously, rubbing the back of his head. I looked at Izuku and frowned before turning back to Katsuki. I let out a sigh.

"Look I know what happened with the sludge villain incident. All Might told me about it." I breathed out and Katsuki stiffened before he said anything, I held my hand out to stop him.

"I understand how you felt in that situation but that doesn't mean it's okay to treat Izuku like that. You were helpless and the 'quirk less' kid saved you. You felt useless and you ended up turning that feeling into anger towards Izuku. I know you guys don't get along, but can you at least try to be civil around me. Izuku is my best friend and you are my boyfriend. I would like to be able to spend time with both of you without you being at his throat all the time." I said softly to him. He put his head down.

"I'm sorry." He said softly.

"Katsuki look at me please." I said warmly. He looked up.

"I understand that day was traumatic. Your anger has been a reaction to that. It's not something you can change right away, and I understand that. All I'm asking is that you try. I'm always here for you to talk to. And even if you are upset at Izuku, he cares too. He always has. All he has ever wanted was for you two to be friends. No one is looking down at you. I promise that." I said softly. His eyes became glassy. He looked over at Izuku.

"She's right Kacchan. I know you don't like me very much. You've made that clear, but I do want to be friends again. Like when we were kids." Izuku said softly to him. Tears were threatening to leave his eyes. Katsuki just looked at him and nodded before looking back at me.

"I can't promise anything, but I will try. I'll try for you." He said the last few words so only I could hear. I smiled warmly at him and nodded. The waiter brought our food to the table. We all ate our meals with some chatter. The TV in the corner of the room started broadcasting the news. There was no volume, so most people weren't paying attention but Izuku and I were. 

'Incident in Hosu City led to the death of Pro Hero Silver and putting Pro Hero Ingenium in critical condition. Hero Killer to blame.' 

I dropped my fork on my plate and put my hand up to my mouth. I only know one man who could have done this. He hated what heroes had become and he was out for blood. He was an assassin just like me and someone I've run into many times on jobs. Let's just say we didn't quite get along. Before he got into the business of killing heroes, he was an assassin for hire just like me. His name was Stain. He was an assassin who liked to toy with some of his victims. He would critically wound them and let them think he was sparing them but would come back later and finish them off. It was all a game to him. This wasn't good. I looked at Izuku who was looking down at his food with sad eyes. 

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