Chapter 23

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"BEGIN!" Present Mic yelled.

 I took off and so did Shoto. He froze the ground and I quickly levitated making sure I didn't get frozen. He threw an ice blast at me and I teleported behind him. He quickly swung on me I avoided it and kicked him in the gut sending him flying back. He shot up an ice wall to keep him from going out of bounds. He charged me again. I flew into the air and looked down at him. He began to shoot ice at me again. This time much faster. I redirected them every time. I saw his right side start to freeze from overuse. This went on for a while until I threw my hands out and stopped the dozens of icicles midair.

"ENOUGH WITH THE GAMES SHOTO!" I yelled at him. The crowd went quiet. He was about to send another barrage at me but stopped. He looked at me puzzled.

"IF YOU WANT TO WIN THIS MATCH THEN YOU HAVE TO THROW ALL YOU'VE GOT AT ME. I WON'T ACCEPT ANY LESS. YOU ARE NOT YOUR FATHER. THAT QUIRK IS A PART OF YOU NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO SO FUCKING USE IT. SHOW THE WORLD THAT YOU SHOULDN'T BE KNOW AS THE SON OF ENDEAVOR BUT AS THE AMAZING PERSON YOU ARE BY YOURSELF." I yelled. I could feel the pressure in my eyes. He looked at me stunned. I closed my hand in a fist shattering the ice in my hold. I called forth my claws and pointed at him.

"COME AT ME ICY HOT!" He looked at my clawed hand shocked before he smirked. His right side began to defrost before his left side ignited into violent flames. I could feel the heat from all the way up here. I looked at him in awe before I smirked and readied myself.

"YOU ASKED FOR THIS!" He used his ice to glide into the air towards me and shot fire my way. I teleported out of the way, but he was already on me. He shot flames at me again and it made contact. Shit that hurt. I fell to the ground and looked at my singed jacket. Shoto landed on the ground and began to walk over to me, flames rising from his left and ice forming on his right. There's no way I could overpower him like this. His reflexes are too fast, and he would probably be able to prevent any attack I throw at him with his speed. No, I can win this without my demon form. I'm saving my finisher for Katsuki. I can't wait to see the look on his face. I smirked at Shoto.

"That's more like it! Now this is the challenge I've been waiting for!" I shouted while flying towards him. He readied himself for an attack. I teleported in front of him and grabbed onto him before teleporting into the air with him. I gripped onto him and threw him towards the ground hard. He couldn't slow himself and the impact cracked the concrete below him. He quickly stood up, but I was on him again throwing kicks and punches. He countered but couldn't make contact because I kept teleporting last second to hit him at a different angle. I finally caught him off guard and kicked him hard sending him flying towards the opposite end of the arena. The crowd was roaring with excitement. He sat up and looked at me frustrated.

"How is this a challenge? You are too fast for me!" He grunted in frustration. I walked up to him panting. I was exhausted from constantly teleporting and throwing punch after punch.

"I have to be this ruthless to beat you. I haven't worked this hard the entire competition. That's because of you." I huffed out smiling at him. He looked at me shocked before he had a small smile come onto his face.

"I have a bet to win so I can't lose to you. This is where it end's Shoto. Thank you for giving me one hundred percent." I said breathlessly before I activated my quirk on him causing him to float. His eyes went wide as I threw him across the arena hitting the opposing wall and falling to the ground with a thud. Ouch, I might have thrown him a little hard.

"Y/N L/N WINS!" Present Mic yells and the crowd goes wild. Shoto gets to his feet shakily. I teleport over to him and grab onto him teleporting back to the center of the ring. I step back and stretch my hand out. He smiles at me and takes it. I put his hand up with mine and the crowd roars.

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