Chapter 7

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I'm flying out of the window again. Away from All Might who is reaching for me.

"Daddy please help me!"

Suddenly the nightmare fades away. A Soft light illuminates the room I'm now in. I feel strong arms around me I look up to see All Might.

"Shh don't worry I am Here." He hugged me tighter. Then he lifted me above his head and spun me around. He slowly brought me back down and suddenly I felt a soft warm hand on my back.

"Are you playing with Daddy?" My mother asked me. I nodded my head. She began to pout and then a mischievous smirk crept across her face.

"Well, I want to play too!" She grabs me from All Might's arms and flies out the window with me. Her beautiful white wings making her look like an Angel from heaven.

"Hey no fair we were having Daddy Daughter time Mira." He pouts at us from the window. My mother laughs and flies toward the pouting man.

"Fine I guess we can share." She laughs and sticks her tongue out at the man. She lands in his outstretched arms with me still wrapped in hers. He pulls us into a big hug.

"Mommy! Daddy! You're squishing me." I giggle. They squeeze tighter both laughing.

"Oh look honey it's a Y/N sandwich." All Might laughs out.

"Ohhhh yumm my favorite." Suddenly my mother starts nibbling on me and planting kisses all over my face. I couldn't help but laugh. They felt so warm, so comforting. They felt like home.

Suddenly I open my eyes to see the ceiling of my room and my alarm going off.

"I AM HERE TO WAKE YOU UP." Before it could go off again, I click it off. It was 4 am. I smile at the dream I just woke up from. It was a nice change of pace from the nightmares. It becomes more apparent every time I go to sleep now. These are too real to be a dream. Why don't I remember these times. I can't recall any memories from before I turned 6. I get up from bed and head to my closet to get changed for my workout with Ochaco. Suddenly it hit me.

"How the hell did I get home?" I looked around and then caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I was still in my school uniform. The last thing I remember was that I was about to tell Izuku about my mom. All Might was there too. Whatever I'll deal with that later. I changed into my workout clothes and ran outside. I met with Ochaco and we did our few laps around the block and then proceeded to the athlete's park. I helped her get her form down and spotted her while she did squats. When she got the hang of it and decided to proceed by herself, I went to the track that outlined the park and decided to run laps. Suddenly I caught a glimpse of blonde spiky hair sticking out from behind a tree. I activated my quirk and went around the other side of the tree. Bakugo was standing there with his back to me looking towards the athlete's park.

"Looking for someone?" He immediately jumped and turned around facing me his eyes were practically bulging out of his head. The sight made me laugh.

"No I just stopped here to take a quick break from my run you damn extra." He threw his hands in his pockets pouting his lips out. It just made me laugh harder at the cute pout on his handsome face. His ears were red, and I stopped laughing. He turned to face me wondering why I stopped. I reached my hand out towards him and he flinched. I smiled at him and he seemed to relax. I placed my fingers on the tip of his ear and began to slowly run my fingers over the red skin. He stared at me with wide eyes the blush now deepening on his face. I stepped closer to him letting my hand fall to his shoulder. His breathing was shallow, he seemed nervous.

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