Chapter 2

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As I stood in front of the large gates to the testing area, I couldn't help but get nervous. I wonder how big these robots will be. Especially that 0 point one. Suddenly a soft voice broke me out of my trance.

"Excuse me Miss. This testing area is over capacity would you mind moving over to testing Area D?" She pointed to a testing area not too far away. I simply nodded and turned to head towards the new testing area. Before I left, I heard a raspy voice behind me.

"Oi. Chickening out already you stupid bitch."

I quickly turn around to face the explosive blond.

"No, I'm not jackass. I'm just being told to go to a different testing area." I snarled at the boy.

"They just didn't want a weakling like you being dominated by the next Number 1 Hero." He smirked confidently. Wow, he really thinks he did something there. I start to walk closer to him. His smile begins to falter, and he takes a step back when I'm right in front of him. I motion for him to lean down so I could tell him something. Surprisingly, he does.

"If you wanted to be on top of me, all you had to do was ask." I whispered seductively in his ear. The boy instantly turned red. I stepped back from him and had an evil smirk on my face. He couldn't even formulate words.

"Aww Hothead you're blushing. I guess the next Number 1 Hero has a weakness. Have fun without me jackass!" I bubbly said and then turned to walk towards my new testing area. Finally letting the blush creep across my face at the words I had just spoken. What the hell is wrong with me? Where did that even come from? Before I could get too far I heard explosions coming from behind me. I swung around only to be met with the explosive blond barreling toward me with extreme speed. His hands were behind him setting off explosions to quicken his running. He was practically flying.

"OI BITCH WERE NOT DONE! FIGHT ME RIGHT NOW! YOU DON'T GET TO-" Suddenly the blond was wrapped up in a cocoon, explosions stopping midair. I turned to the side shocked to see the Pro Hero, Eraserhead. His hair was floating in the air and his eyes were glowing red. He held the end of the capture device used to restrain the explosive blond. Suddenly his eyes shifted to me.

"What is the meaning of this?" His voice was loud with a hint of annoyance.

"I was on my way to my testing area. Blondie here was being a pest and I ended up teasing him making him angry. My apologies sir." I bowed my head. Suddenly I heard muffled screaming in the cocoon. Eraserhead releases the boy but kept his quirk deactivated.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A PEST YOU BITCH!" The blond yells stomping towards me.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Eraserhead yelled at the blond. He turned his gaze on me and calmed himself before speaking.

"Young lady you are dismissed." I nodded my head and quickly turned around and ran towards my testing area. I hear muffled yelling and explosions behind me, but I didn't dare turn around. I can't get kicked out. I need to remember my goal. Just be friendly and don't cause trouble. Not paying attention I end up ramming into someone and falling on my ass.

"Ouch damn I need to watch where I'm going." I look up to see bright green hair in front of me. I begin to stand up and walk towards the mess of green hair. I extend my hand out.

"Here let me help you up. I'm sorry about running into you. I spaced out and wasn't paying attention." I nervously ramble. Suddenly the boy looks up and I'm met with bright emerald green eyes. What is it with all the boys here having such pretty eyes? Suddenly he grips my hand and I snap out of my thoughts and help him up. When he stands up straight, I realize he is much taller than he looks. Just like the explosive blond from earlier.

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