Chapter 25

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TW: Violence, Mention of Blood, and Mention of Guns


"What does the Hero Association want with an assassin?" I ask warily. I was contacted to meet with a representative of the HA. Chrono and the rest of the Eight Bullets are waiting nearby in case things go sideways but the offer was too good to pass up.

"You'll get the job done without getting caught and it won't be traced back to us. You are the ghost story that heroes and villains alike are told about. The young assassin who has killed some of the most influential criminals and tycoons in Japan. We don't plan on arresting you. We at the association see this as an opportunity. In order for true justice to be served some villains can't be left alive. That's where you come in." The woman in front of me was cold and calculated. I looked around and there were about 20 or so bodyguards in black suits. Probably there in case I made a move.

"If I'm such a ghost story then how do you know how to contact me?" The woman in front of me smirked.

"Plenty of villains underlings were more than willing to rat out certain details in order for a lighter sentence and protection from people like you. Are you willing to take the contract?"

"Yes. Now who is it you want killed?" I asked bluntly. The woman handed me a folder. Inside was information on my target. It was a well-known villain who had been responsible for the deaths of 48 pro heroes from Japan and America. She has yet to have been caught due to the overwhelming number of followers she had.

"We narrowed down her current base to one of the three locations provided." The woman stated. I closed the folder and looked up at her.

"Why not have All Might or Endeavor take care of it? Why stoop to such levels as to ask me for help? I find it ironic that an association who preaches honor and justice is willing to dive into the criminal underworld and act like a bunch of villains." I stated mockingly. The woman's face turned dark.

"You may be an assassin but know your place. We have snipers trained on you as we speak and plenty of muscle to overpower a young woman like you. You may be good at your job, but we aren't afraid to gun you down and let the media have a field day about the most dangerous assassin in Japan being taken down by us." She stated coldly and an evil smirk came onto her features. I looked at the surrounding buildings and could see the glare off of rifle scopes. I turned back to the woman.

"See that's where you made your first mistake. You have no idea what I can do. I may be young, but I pack a punch. I didn't get the title of most dangerous assassin for having only one trick up my sleeve." I said quietly and took a step forward. All the bodyguards around us reached for their guns.

"If you doubt me then take the shot. I bet I'll surprise you." The woman took a step back and looked at me with wide eyes. She put her hand up.

"Stand down." The guards all relaxed.

"Now that we have proven our points I'll be going now. I will meet you back here in 1 hour with the body." I stated coldly and began to walk off. Before leaving I looked over my shoulder.

 "I really hope you don't try to pull this stunt later. If you do, you'll be down 46 men." The woman looked at me surprised.

"How did you..." She began but I cut her off.

"You have 22 men on this roof, and I counted 24 separate scope glares on the north, east, west, and north west surrounding buildings. The building behind me won't have any men due to the fact you knew I would have reinforcements. So, like I said unless you want to be down 46 men don't try any funny business." I growled out before flying off the building toward the Bullets. I briefed them on the situation and Chrono identified the main hideout of the villain.

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