Chapter 10

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Authors Note: 

The picture above is what I imagine when Y/N uses her quirk. I also really loved that in this piece of fan art Scarlet Witch's hair is floating. It was an inspiration for when Y/N's power starts to surge. You can imagine Y/N however you want though. I'm just having fun writing this fan fic. It has been something I have wanted to do for awhile and I hope the few readers I have are enjoying it! I've had all these ideas for this story so in my free time all I do is write. This chapter is going to be a long one! I kept writing and writing and suddenly I had 11 pages written. Oops lol. Finally the first big fight scene! Okay now I'll stop talking so you can continue reading. Enjoy!



Our pinkies have been interlocked the entire ride to our destination. I felt like my heart would give out any second from its rapid rhythm. I had to hold onto the seat to keep from floating. His sweet caramel scent filled my nose and all I wanted to do was drown in it. His hand felt so warm. We arrived at our destination and Katsuki let go of my pinky. Damn I wish this bus ride never ended. We all got off the bus and were met by the Pro Hero Thirteen outside. They began to explain the training we were about to do. It was rescue training. The arena was called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or USJ for short. Kind of like Universal Studios of Japan.

"I can't wait to show you all the facility." Thirteen announced before they turned around and walked toward the USJ. We all followed suit. Katsuki was walking next to me. He was looking forward not paying attention to me. I stared at him and admired his costume. He had two large grenade like gauntlets on his arms for storing his sweat to later use for large scale explosions. His shirt was form fitting showing off his muscular torso while his pants were military-like cargo pants. They were stuffed inside black combat boots. He had an orange X printed on his shirt and steel knee guards. His face was half covered with a mask that had two large black and orange pieces sticking out at the sides. It made him look like that one fire type Pokémon. What was its name again? Oh right Typhlosion! Suddenly Mina came up to my side and whispered in my ear.

"I saw that Y/N." I immediately turned red and shifted my gaze forward to see the entirety of the building. There were multiple areas that resembled different kinds of disasters. It was amazing! This is better than Universal Studios! I was cut from my thoughts when I heard Aizawa mutter to Thirteen.

"Where Is All Might wasn't he supposed to meet us here?"

"He did too much hero work on the way to school this morning." Thirteen held up three fingers. What do they mean? I looked over at Katsuki who was admiring the view. I then shifted my sights to Izuku who was also listening in on Thirteens conversation. He looked worried. I was about to go and talk to him when suddenly I spotted movement in the center plaza of the facility. A wormhole was forming and out stepped a man covered in hands. Wait I know him from somewhere.

"What is that?" Kaminari asked.

"Is this part of the training?" Eijiro looked at Aizawa confused. Aizawa was staring down at the plaza anger evident on his face.

"No those are villains. Everyone step back." Suddenly the hole grew bigger and many more people stepped out. Next to the man with hands a giant bird looking creature stood next to him staring at us. Suddenly the hole closed and another man stood next to him. He was made of the same dark energy as the hole. Wait I know him. His name is Kurogiri. I've done a couple of assassinations for the man. Shit shit shit. This wasn't good.

"Thirteen why aren't the alarms going off?" Momo asked.

"I'm not sure." Thirteen replied. They sounded uneasy.

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