Chapter 3

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TW: Blood and Violence


The nightmare that I keep having ever since my father went into a coma. It's like a puzzle I can't quite figure out.

"Honey I need you to hide."

"But mommy I'm scared. I want to stay with you."

"I know sweetie but bad people are coming and they want to take you away. I can't let that happen."

"But what if they hurt you mommy"

"Ill be okay sweetheart. If the bad people take me I want you to find Daddy okay."

"But what if the bad people get me too mommy." Suddenly a crowd of loud footsteps was coming toward us.

"Hurry honey, hide." She said as I ran and hid under the bed.

"I know the brat is here Mira. Where is she hiding?"

"I'm not telling you Rin. She isn't yours. How many times do I have to tell you that."

"My child or not I still want her. Her quirk is going to be the ultimate weapon."

"She is quirk less. Just like her father."

"Bullshit I know its Toshinoris kid. Why are you lying to me Mira?"

The floor began to rumble. Instead of the soft voice from before. A scary demonic voice took its place.

"Leave this place now! I will not ask again!" The voice shouted.

"Sorry Mira that trick doesn't work on me anymore. Do it kid."

Suddenly a high pitch scream rang through the room. I covered my ears as my body began to tremble.

"Stop you can't take her Rin. Keep your filthy hands off my baby." My mother cried out as a large hand wrapped around my ankle and dragged me out from under the bed. He grips onto my small wrist and drags me to my feet. 

"Got her boss." The man holding me says. He walks to the so-called boss with me in tow. He lifts me off the ground and my shoulder shudders in pain at the abrupt pull.  This whole dream was in my point of view but I couldn't understand what it all meant, I don't have any memory of this ever happening besides what happened in this nightmare. I could never see the boss' face. It was always blurry.

"No! Let her go." My mother yelled. She was bleeding from her ears and nose. She had cuts all over her body which were now visible through her torn clothes. Her normal white wings were stained with blood.

"Not going to happen." The man holding my arm activated his quirk causing instant pain to my arm that radiated to my entire body. I screamed and thrashed against him until everything went black. It was quiet. I couldn't feel anything. Then a warm sensation enveloped me. The darkness I was sitting in began to softly glow. Then in the center of the blank room were two beautifully shining balls. One was red with black and white details all over it. The other was a ball with multiple colors clashing together. I went to choose the red ball and as soon as I did my eyes opened again.

Everything in the room started to levitate. Then everything was being thrown around violently. I looked at the man holding onto me and I put my hand up towards him closing my fist. He drops me and begins screaming in agony. The man, to put it simply, broke. Bones cracking and constricting to fit into the perfect ball. The palms of my hands were glowing red. My face was now covered in the man's blood. Then my head started hurting, it was excruciating, causing me to fall to the ground. I watch as the man named Rin approaches my mother putting a gun to her head.

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