Chapter 6

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TW: Mention of Blood 

~Katsuki's POV~

Time to get my revenge. I lean in close to her face making her breath hitch. She is getting really red. She smells like peaches. I love peaches. Fuck focus. I smirk at her.

"So you think I'm attractive?" I whisper to her. Her face gets even more red. She grabs the water on her tray taking a drink from it to try and hide her face from me. Now for the finishing blow.

"Is that invitation to top you still on the table?" I whisper seductively into her ear. She spits out the water on Dunce Face by accident. I can't help but let out a loud laugh. She is frantically apologizing. She then turns to glare at me. That look is priceless. My laughter gets deeper. Then suddenly something cold hits my face. I open my eyes and my uniform is covered in water. I look at her and she is pissed. Holding the now empty water bottle from earlier.

"What the fuck?" I asked quietly.

"Fuck you Bakugo. Eat shit and die." She threw the bottle at my face. I caught it and threw it to the side. I grabbed her wrist. She turned around, eyes blood red. Shit I fucked up.

"Look I'm sorry. I shouldn't have embarrassed you like that." Was what I wanted to say but she wouldn't let me finish my sentence.

"Fuck off." She pulled her wrist away and walked towards her friends. I just turned and headed towards an empty table. Soon Shitty Hair, Dunce Face, and Tape Dispenser came to sit next to me. They were chatting about class and then Y/N's name came up.

"Man Y/N is really beautiful." Tape Dispenser said out of nowhere. What the fuck? I mean yeah, she was but why did he just announce it like that?

"Oh yeah dude she is hot as hell." Dunce Face decided to chime in. My hands started to spark at the comment.

"Look Y/N is beautiful, but she is also extremely powerful guys. Don't degrade her authority by focusing just on her looks." Shitty Hair chimed in. Shitty Hair wasn't that bad. But I hated that they were all looking at her it made me mad. I mean why would I care? I looked over at her too. She was smiling and laughing. She really was beautiful. I put my head down. Why is it that I always find a way to piss her off. What's wrong with me? I look back up and we end up locking eyes. She doesn't immediately look away and neither do I. I crack a small smile her way and mouth 'sorry' to her.


Iida was practically choking on his food from laughing so much. I look at all my friends laughing and having fun but then I look at Bakugo. His head is down, and he he pouting? I watch him for a few seconds. He looks deep in thought. Suddenly his scarlet eyes meet mine. It instantly causes butterflies in my stomach. We stay staring at each other for what seems like an eternity until he cracks a small smile at me which shocked me enough but then he mouths 'sorry'. I was taken back by this. I smile back at him and mouth 'So am I'. He soon shifts his gaze away and scowls because Eijiro starts poking him.

"How cute." I say out loud. 

"What's cute?" Izuku asks me about to turn around follow where my gaze was at. I panic and reach for his Hero Notebook.

"That you keep a journal for all the heroes you meet." I hold up his notebook. He instantly turns back around to face me and reaches for it.

"Y/N give it back please." He goes reaching for it. I hand it back to him and chuckle at the cute blush across his face. Man, I'd give anything to see that cute blush on Bakugo again. Having him near me so I could drown in his Intoxicating caramel scent. Suddenly I snap out of my thoughts when I see All Might in the corner of the room waving at me. I look around and then back at the man and point at myself.

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